Hello Mastodon World #Introduction! I'm Josh, a Prof of Anthropology & Social Informatics at Indiana University South Bend, also principal investigator w/Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA). I work in the intersections of people, technologies, & research, love to help folks use data and systems more humanely, openly, & equitably.
#anthropology #archaeology #cyborg #cyborganthropology #digitalarchaeology #digitalhumanities #dh #FOSS #GIS #geospatial #openSci #openData #openGov
#opengov #opendata #opensci #geospatial #gis #foss #dh #digitalhumanities #digitalarchaeology #cyborganthropology #cyborg #archaeology #anthropology #introduction
another journal's board quits elsevier to setup an open-access alternative: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-01391-5 #opensci
Another Monday and publishing is still not fixed: Editorial team at NeuroImage will work with MIT Press to establish new non-profit journal.
“The plain fact is that we don’t need Elsevier – it is a parasitic company that takes the products of science for nothing and then charges the public, and scientists, to buy back access to them”
The publisher claims that APCs of 3450 USD are cheap for the reach and quality of the journal.
#opensci #openaccess #elsevier
Reply with one #psychology mastodon account you think everybody should follow! #psychology #psychscience #rstats #openscience #opensci
#psychology #psychscience #rstats #openscience #opensci
So you're making replication files for a simulation paper. You're posting the calibration/rstimation data and the code. Do you post sim output (e.g. CSV with model solutions)?
Would appreciate boosts/replies, I'd like to know what people are doing 🙏
Why we need open data on issues of global concern. Plus a look at the key issues: proactive work by large institutions, formatting for access, and mandates for researchers to share their data.
By Hannah Ritchie of @ourworldindata, in Nature. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02691-4
#cheminformatics & #chemistry Mastodon: if you were looking for custom libraries of structures or reactions for teaching and learning purposes, what would you want in them?
#opensci #chemistry #science #chemicaleducation
#chemicaleducation #science #opensci #chemistry #Cheminformatics
#Chem4Word 2022 (Release1) is now available, with full reaction handling!
Download it FREE from https://github.com/Chem4Word/Version3-2/releases/
#foss #Cheminformatics #chemistry #opensci #chem4word
It's puzzling to some degree why Chemical Markup Language hasn't had more uptake. It's extensible, very descriptive, and doesn't require fiddly custom parsers. It can be mined for useful information by systems that are completely chemical agnostic, even.
I can only assume that the blame lies with vendors simply wanting to ensure that their voice remains the loudest in the Tower of Babel that passes for cheminformatics standards.
Any other views?
#cheminformatics #chemistry #opensci #CML
#cml #opensci #chemistry #Cheminformatics
I jumped on the bandwagon back in 2012, when I started a contracting stint in Microsoft Research in Cambridge. I was introduced to Peter Murray-Rust, the brains behind the project, and trailblazer in #opensci.
I went off to do my own thing for a few years until the project started looking for a new leader. So I volunteered.
I dragged a couple of old mates from my drug research days into the project, and we've been maintaining and enhancing it ever since.
Here's a question for my fellow #Cheminformatics colleagues: how much penetration has Chemical Markup Language achieved since its invention? The only two tools I know that use it are ours, #Chem4Word, and Marvin JS. Anyone else using #CML in earnest out there? If so, why so? And if not, why not?
#opensci #chemistry
#chemistry #opensci #cml #chem4word #Cheminformatics
Hello Mastodon World #Introduction! I'm Josh, a Prof of Anthropology & Social Informatics at Indiana University South Bend, also principal investigator w/Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA). I work in the intersections of people, technologies, & research, love to help folks use data and systems more humanely, openly, & equitably.
#anthropology #archaeology #cyborg #cyborganthropology #digitalarchaeology #digitalhumanities #dh #FOSS #GIS #geospatial #openSci #openData #openGov
#opengov #opendata #opensci #geospatial #gis #foss #dh #digitalhumanities #digitalarchaeology #cyborganthropology #cyborg #archaeology #anthropology #introduction
VERY COOL JOB ALERT 💥 https://www.softwareheritage.org/2022/01/24/open-science-community-manager/
Open Science Community manager for the Software Heritage Foundation (https://www.softwareheritage.org), a very very sweet nonprofit that holds an archive of public code (https://archive.softwareheritage.org/)
Job submissions to hiring@softwareheritage.org
While I love the org, I can't answer questions about this job (sorry!)
#openscience #opensci #jobad #jobopp