I've put together a Word document with all the fields to be filled out in the #OSF #preregistration template. Our lab uses this document to plan our preregistrations. This allows us to collaborate online, suggest changes, comment, and see version history (the OSF webpage does not like simultaneous users).
Feel free to use, share and feedback!
#ReproducibiliTea #OpenScienceFramework #OpenScience
#OpenScience #openscienceframework #reproducibilitea #reproducibility #PreRegistration #osf
This is how I usually set up the beginning of my #knitr / #quarto scripts to download data from #osf that I then use for analysis in the rest of the script.
This way I only need to share the script, and anybody who wants to #reproduce the results will always get the right datafile.
Let me know if there is a better way to do this!
#R #reproducibility
#ReproducibiliTea #OpenScienceFramework #OpenScience
#reproducibilitea #OpenScience #openscienceframework #reproducibility #r #reproduce #osf #Quarto #knitr
¡Hola! #OSF (#OpenScienceFramework; https://osf.io) es un sitio para subir materiales de ciencia: preprints, #datasets, proyectos, etc. Yo lo uso para subir materiales complementarios de mis trabajos: principalmente hojas de cálculo, csv, etc.
El caso es que al subir archivos ods, veo que los lee como pdf, algo que no ocurre si subo xls probando. La previsualización de los xls se ve bien, pero no así la de los ods. No afecta demasiado, porque yo habitualmente añado a los papers los enlaces de descarga.
Pero me pregunto si OSF, al ser un Framework de #OpenScience, no debería tener una mejor integración de formatos Open como las hojas de cálculo ods. Sería un detalle. Aunque a lo mejor me estoy dejando algo yo...
#osf #openscienceframework #datasets #openscience
I wonder if I'm missing something when dealing with odt spreadsheets in #OSF (#OpenScienceFramework; https://osf.io/). It's like OSF recognize ods files as pdf, and there is no previsualization, at least for me. This is not the same when uploading xls files. But since OSF is an "Open Science Framework", I expect a better behavior with open standards and formats. Maybe is just an issue of my browser. Does anybody knows something about it? Thanks!👍
I'm writing a grant proposal and I'm going to use #OpenScienceFramework for the first time.
I love the idea of increasing the openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scientific #research!
#openscienceframework #research