Schon mit ein paar Tränen in den Augen freue ich mich auf Jennifer Edmonds Keynote über #opensciene in den #Humanities #fan #dariah @etothczifra @DHdKonferenz #DHd2023
#opensciene #humanities #fan #dariah #DHd2023
St. Andrews University launches #OpenAccess policy #opensciene
Mira esta historia que guardé en Pocket
By the way: This Monday was #WorldDiabetesDay. On this occasion, Dr. Katharina Braune was a guest on our BIH podcast "Turning #Research into #Health". She is the spokesperson for the BIH Charité Digital Clinician Scientist Program. We discussed with her about how #digital solutions can help people with #diabetes and why our language also shows that we often have too simple an image of diabetes.
To the #podcast (in German) 👉
#worlddiabetesday #research #health #digital #diabetes #podcast #mastoscience #opensciene #opensource
# Introduction
Hi all, I am moving from the bird site and hope that I found my fediverse home on this server. I'm a #physics|ist working on improving #Climate models with #ai in the #usmile erc project (, especially interested in #gravitywaves. Also interested in #plasma physics, #quantumcomputing, #space, #opensciene, and much more. Views are my own. Looking forward to meeting great people here!
#opensciene #space #quantumcomputing #plasma #gravitywaves #usmile #ai #Climate #physics