@minkorrekt Toll wäre, wenn die Pflanzendaten zur #OpenSenseMap hochgeladen würden. :potted_plant: 📉 ☠️
The liveliness of a command-line interface enhanced with @willmcgugan's #PythonRich is astonishing! 😲
Auto-colored logging, progress bars, syntax highlighting, diffs, ... So much fun! 🤩
BTW taught `sensemapi` to download data from the #openSenseMap via the #cli:
#pythonrich #opensensemap #cli
@ericbuijs Also I made a #Python #package to do pretty much everything on the #openSenseMap via its #API (upload/download data, create, modify, delete #senseBox.es, etc.):
#python #package #opensensemap #api #sensebox #packaging #sensemapi
@ericbuijs Oh somebody using the #openSenseMap, nice! I use it for displaying my research data:
Kennt sich hier jemand bei der #TTN Integration in #OpenSenseMap aus?
#ttn #opensensemap #sensebox #iot #lorawan
Für bessere Luft: Bürger messen Feinstaub vor ihrer Haustür
#Feinstaub #Feinstaubsensor #OpenSensemap #OpenSource #Bürgerforschung
#umwelt #feinstaub #feinstaubsensor #opensensemap #opensource #bürgerforschung
https://opensensemap.org/explore/5c3a9814c4c2f30019f679a1# #IoT Yes pretty similar I wish #OpenSenseMap and #SensorCommunity merge ibecause my #AirQuality sensors is uploading to both channels @freaktechnik
#iot #airquality #opensensemap #SensorCommunity
https://opensensemap.org/explore/5c3a9814c4c2f30019f679a1# #RennesFrance : #AirQuality something unexpected : anyone to explain why #pollution increased while #humanActivity decreased in #Rennes #France ? check my #OpenSenseMap of #SDS001 #sensor :
#airquality #humanactivity #pollution #opensensemap #rennesfrance #france #sensor #rennes #SDS001
The #senseBox:home is a modular do-it-yourself #DIY environmental sensor station. It can connect to the Internet via LAN, WLAN or #LoRa and publish data on the #openSenseMaP, which is powered by #OpenStreetMap: https://sensebox.de/en/products. An :edu version also exists for schools and educational institutions.
#sensebox #diy #lora #opensensemap #OpenStreetMap
It has taken me 3 full nights and some more to get a #openSenseMap instance for development reproducibly up and running. How do people do this JS stuff for a living? 🤬 // @SenseBox_De