Well. "Open sesame" is actually a thing.
Just googled where sesame seeds come from (it never occurred to me to ask before) and found that they grow in pods that are hung upside down to ripen until they burst open and release their seeds. The treasure is revealed.
RT @cogscinl
What would be a good codename for #OpenSesame 4.0? It should be a name of a famous non-living psychologist starting with an M, preceded by an adjective that also starts with an M. Examples:🌟Melodramatic Milgram, Moody Montessory🌟 Other ideas?! #psychtwitter
What would be a good codename for #OpenSesame 4.0? It should be a name of a famous non-living psychologist starting with an M, preceded by an adjective that also starts with an M. Examples:🌟Melodramatic Milgram, Moody Montessory🌟 Other ideas?!
RT @HeleenASlagter
RT @sebastiaan
☀️Development of the next major #OpenSesame release (4.0) is underway! ☀️👩🔧 Lots of brand new features, fixes, and improvements to make building psychology/ neuroscience/ economics experiments even easier! 🧵1/3
☀️Development of the next major #OpenSesame release (4.0) is underway! ☀️👩🔧 Lots of brand new features, fixes, and improvements to make building psychology/ neuroscience/ economics experiments even easier! 🧵1/3
What Is Flipper Zero? The Hacker Tool Going Viral on TikTok, Explained - Don’t be fooled by its fun name and Tamagotchi-like interface—this do-everything gadget i... - https://www.wired.com/story/what-is-flipper-zero-tiktok/ #security/cyberattacksandhacks #opensesame #security