#opensim #metavers .
nouveaux splash screen avec regions occupées, snaps partagés par les residents et fil mastodon .
I'm writing a story to go with a game I'm working on using my OpenSim skills honed over the last ten years, and this is where I've left the characters while I work on other writing projects. My heroine doesn't like the 'nasty water' that's soaking her skirts, but she and the hero are trying to avoid the more sinister denizens of this underground dungeon. #amwriting #gamedev #avatars #OpenSim
#amwriting #gamedev #avatars #opensim
I quit OpenSimWorld today, and had whined that we needed an alternative. So I stayed up all night and got started on one. It works on a check-in system, rather than a popularity contest. You can click the check-in button, and add a message like "Come play a board game with me" or whatever.. and it updates the listing, and bumps it up to the top. :)
Some drama-free alternatives to OSW I am thinking of.
1. A simple searchable listing. They enter the region and grid, and it just fetches the standard search data and parcel picture. No drama, just the facts, judgement, or comments.
2. A hookup tool. You can check-in/announce where you are. And also who you want to meet. A friend, a lover,play a game, dance party.. come join us .. etc. And you can browse live listings of where people are and their interests.
I have been on the OpenSimWorld website for years, and I finally deleted my account. I don't need another source of hate and negativity in my life. I love and care about OpenSim, and my grid family deeply. We have a beautiful, happy, peaceful world. It is really sad to see so many miserable people slugging out on that site every single day.
I really wish there were a better alternative, that just had region and event listings.
Today visited Grid of Lady Trinity. I can only say wow.
An Angel in Hell lol
A lot of scripted stuff which is unique. You won't find in #opensim
But she is professional anyway and can script all what she wants.
@Tosha the #opensim people of #Kleinposemuckel thank you for #recognizing them
#opensim #kleinposemuckel #recognizing
Mr Snoodle showed me today his new sim.
It is a city he made all by himself. All the buildings and even landscape and stuff he made as mesh in blender with own textures and even controllers for traffic lights and all scripts for NPCs. Even the lights switch on when it is midnight and switch off when it is midday. He has own shared environment that is more like in a horror movie dark and foggy
His NPCs are interactive running and doing things. I think from atmosphere he could let drive around through the city the apocalyptic mad max car lol
His NPC homeless Harry is more like a thug and behaves rude. His crack whore is also stressing all the time. Sometimes she will fuck for money or food or will sell you drugs. when you pass by at her she stands up and comes to you and you have to walk fast to get out of her range. For homeless Harry at gas station it is the same. lol
All is made so great in detail and all scripts are working great.
Fantastic sim in #opensim
Something positive in #opensim
With my last project of the boat with jeep on it to drive with Jeep on land and also let the jeep park on boat to let drive on route on sea, I have seen that it is possible to have a cooperative community that can work together and get results that intrigue.
Many people helped to get this project working with their skills. There were even different solutions to get it working. Not only one.
In this case many people were involved. Sergio Rodriguez, Kelso Uxlay, Prince of Amor, Mr Snoodle, Jimmy Dayton and me. (and even "Nerd", the chatGPT bot of Total Sorbet)
So this was a little project compared to others, but it showed that everyone has different paths to get things working, when the goal is clearly defined and has different skills to look on the problems. There was not one right or wrong. They looked from different sides on the problem to solve it. 2 paths worked. Just with everyone's abilities and skills.
It was a fantastic experience to see how much more can work in OS just if everyone is cooperating with the will to get something working that didn't exist before and was just a problem because has not great physics and we have to cheat to let it look like as if we have great physics in OS. To improvise with the stuff we have and to make the best out of it.
Not everyone can know all and has not all skills to do all. We are dependent on everyone with different skills and knowledge to even create more than just planting trees in landscapes to take some pics of it and post it in OSW website.
Cheating in #opensim
I have a problem. Perhaps someone can help.
I have a boat and put a Jeep on it. I linked the jeep without any script to the boat so that I can make a route with the ship around the sim with stops.
I put a rezzer script in the root of the jeep and so you can rez a jeep and drive from the ship on land.
But now the origin jeep should become invisible/transparent so that you think that the rezzed jeep is the jeep that was all the time linked to the boat.
There must a function to get it working with "if the jeep rezzed, then the origin linke Jeep is getting invisble"
the coding for setting something transparent is:
Sets the alpha on face
• float alpha – from 0.0 (clear) to 1.0 (solid) (0.0 <= alpha <= 1.0)
• integer face – face number or ALL_SIDES
If face is ALL_SIDES then the function works on all sides.
In practical terms, "alpha" means "transparency" or "visibility".
To be clear, llSetAlpha will only affect the prim that the script it is in. It will not affect any linked prims. To set the alpha state for those, use llSetLinkAlpha
But I'm not a coder and can't script. Perhaps someone knows to solve this problem.
Thank you
@WeavingWithAI awesome but slightly alarmed by some of the truncated staircases! Would be interesting to build in #opensim What would the exterior be like? I'm thinking hanging gardens.
@lonewolf sure if you want to copy it. On BigCityLife and Decadence everyone can copy usually all the things you see there.
But the NPCs are not to copy. They are our avis. ;-)
I haven't created it. I just put some textures and scripts in Yacht. I never created own scripts. It is just to change parameters of setting coordinates for a finished object. I never created any animation and is just all put together of Lego.
Perhaps some people think this is creation but it is not. It is just putting Lego building blocks together that were already created by many others. In Opensim it is most of it. 99,9 % of all you see in #opensim
A new #metaverse should have at least this graphics quality and physics like in this film. It shouldn't be also a problem to have monster Sims like 64x64 with 60 fps for normal computer and never again just 16 bit objects as Lego mesh.
#vr #virtualreality #sl #SecondLife #opensim #thirdroom #visionpro
#metaverse #vr #virtualreality #sl #secondlife #opensim #thirdroom #visionpro
Compromises in #opensim
I have 3 trains running on #BigCityLife
One is a 140 meters long Santa Fee train. 6 long carriages that need special track made so that it looks normal to drive in curves. No problem so far. Looks fine as much it is possible with Lego when you put the root prim exactly in the middle of the carriage and put the track Legos a bit outside to the rails. Is not perfect but if you can't have to axis for the long carriages it is almost possible to let to feel like the train has two axis.
To let 6 carriages align so that they drive synchronized is working also for one circle around the 7x7 sim. You can let the train drive perhaps 2 rounds so that it looks ok if the speed is not high. The time delay for scripts over 49 sims is acceptable but you can't let the train run more than 2 rounds. Then it will break and one carriage will drive somewhere and not with the whole train.
But the biggest problem is to use sensors for opening doors and for stops at railway stations. A sensor script that shouts can only reach 96 meters. Not more. For my train not enough because it is 140 meters long. And when you let the sensor scream over whole sim which is in this case a 7x7 sim, then the time delay is enormously and the sensors speaks over the whole 49 1x1 sims and will reach the last carriage time delayed.
So it is not possible to let the train run on a 7x7 sim with all sensors for stops at railwaystations and sensors for opening doors when arriving at railwaystation and closing doors before driving again.
Such a train needs much smaller sim but then it would not make sense. It is longer than half of a 1x1 sim. 140 meter train on a 256 meter long sim lol Even on a 3x3 sim it would not look good.
Now 10 people can dance on party Yacht. But also do other things. Watching my Big City Life videos inside on screen or just hang out on Lounger or in pool on Yacht.
Now I start to make the cabines with bedroom animations. 6 of the 10 AVsitters will have then the options to have sex in cabines. I hope all is working how I think. lol
But you should be prepared to have 4 pages in blue menu full with sit positions and animations. A lot to click then lol
Pity that you can't do it with physical yacht and only with AVsitters to do all things on yacht while floating around the whole sim. But in OS we have to take what we get.
The new update for Firestorm is out. I tested it now 2 days.
Advantage seems to be first that you have Picks again in profiles. The Performance is similar to the last Viewer. Perhaps you can recognize more dynamics in framerates but not absolute in average compared to the last viewer. The last viewer was already a big push for performance and could get estimated about a third more framerate. Especially when you went online with 2 Avis then you could find a hugh difference to the older viewers. Now I made a reality check as stress test also for the new viewer and compared the last viewer with the newest.
I went on Lbsa with two Avis. Lbsa is known as laggy place when there are many people.
Now I used for one account the last viewer and for the other the newest viewer at the same time and placed both Avis on same place with same view to look at. Usually if you use the same viewer then the framerate is pari pari. Both have same framerate. Less than if you are just online with one Avi. But this is now a stress test as reality check to compare both viewer.
The result is now that the older viewer has higher framerate than the newest viewer. As I said before usually you would have same framerate for both. But now the newest viewer has less then the older with same view on same place. It is about 10-20 % less I would estimate. It is depending if you catch always the same view and how the people move or don't move around you. But that's reality check. It was never the opposite result. It was always less what you get from the newest viewer.
Why have I made this reality check stress test? Well we are mostly online with more than one Avi. Many people have one avi at home and one on other grids. Exploring sims/Shopping or even parking at Lbsa for chat. lol
That's just heuristic known reality in opensim and not some wishful thinking out of computer statistics. Winks to @jupiter_rowland
So if you like to go online with one Avi only then I would say the new firestorm has more advantages. But if you go online with 2 or 3 Avis online at the same time then the last version is better for performance.
Before #HIE, there will be #OSFest the annual #opensim music and art bonanza. check out a few points of view on the subject
Interesting article about #SecondLife vs. #opensim
I would add more advantages and disadvantages. If you are used to SL then you will never learn how to build things. In OS you need to. In secondlife all works how it should. In opensim it never works how it should and then you have to get knowledge.
I'm a total tech blond and when I came to opensim from secondlife I didn't even know how to put AO notecard in Firestorm viewer. The first you have to do when you are in opensim and hypergrid teleport, because then you walk normal on the other grid and don't have to put off your AO and put it on again when you landed on other grid.
Now I build whole cities with complicated scripting things and let cars, trains and ships drive and let planes fly where I take seat and enjoy the ride. In opensim you become a Nerd. In secondlife you are just sex addicted consumer lol
Torture Ship is gone from Decadence sim. But now there is a Party Yacht. Plenty of AV sitters for party and cuddle inside. This Yacht drives around the whole sim and enough people can have party on deck or inside. There are also bedrooms if you like privacy lol
The Torture Ship had never a route script to float around and was just fixed at Promenade Jetty. But with this Yacht we can have party while floating around on the sim. Already 4 people can dance on forward Deck and will also add NPCs for more crowded party lol