In January as part of the 30 days of Nature Of Code I mentioned OpenSimplex noise.
Here is a really really cool implementation inn circuit python with LEDs!!
#OpenSimplexNoise #circuitpython #CreativeCoding #GenerativeArt
#generativeart #creativecoding #circuitpython #opensimplexnoise
sketch_2022_02_04 #Processing #Python #py5 #opensimplexnoise Inspired by @TomLarrow's noise experiments!
#processing #python #py5 #opensimplexnoise
Okay so Saturday (Day 13) yielded a gif, attached, and Sunday (Day 14) really yielded typescript-module-in-a-browser knowledge getting OpenSimplex noise to work with my set up (link). All with a cat sitting on me in the rain. Good times.
#30DaysOf #NatureOfCode #p5js, #TypeScript, #OpenSimplexNoise #CreativeCoding #GenerativeArt
#generativeart #creativecoding #opensimplexnoise #typescript #p5js #natureofcode #30daysof
Weekend Update: Day 13 making the attached recoded gif loop using 2D Perlin noise. (CC 136). Day 14 (CC 137) was making 4D OpenSImplex noise using an external library. I, of course, spent my time recompiling the original TypeScript npm package to understand how modules work in a browser, but I got it!
#30DaysOf #NatureOfCode #p5js, #TypeScript, #OpenSimplexNoise #CreativeCoding #GenerativeArt
#30daysof #natureofcode #p5js #typescript #opensimplexnoise #creativecoding #generativeart