Tito Till · @TitoTill
177 followers · 97 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

I'm listening to this interview with whistleblower Mike Gill and he mentions the papers were published by a group of journalists at icij.org.

So I go to the website and look at donors. I don't recognize many of them except Soros' but that's all you really need to know.

So Pandora papers are another OP? Weird they would name them something so close to Panama papers. I thought they were the same until today.

#PandoraPapers #opensocietyfoundations

Last updated 2 years ago

♨ Feuerwächter · @Feuerwaechter
120 followers · 5728 posts · Server mstdn.io

Braucht unsere Demokratie ein Update?

Gestern wurden im Berliner Büro der Open Society Foundations (OSF) die Ergebnisse der Studie zur Einstellung zur Demokratie in Mittel und Osteuropa („States of Change: Attitudes in Central and Eastern Europe 30 Ye



#amadeuantoniostiftung #yougov #gff #GötzH #KübraGümüşay #SelminÇalışkan #opensocietyfoundations #osf #sozialismus #AnettaKahane #georgesoros

Last updated 5 years ago