Check out the first in what we hope will be our regular updates on the Pulsar Blog!
This will hopefully give you some insight as to what we have been up to in the background and what you can expect expect to see in the near future.
In this update we have info on tree-sitter upgrades, a new donation platform, backend improvements and an upcoming Matrix space.
#opensource #opensourcedev #backend #matrix #pulsar #pulsaredit #community #treesitter
#opensource #opensourcedev #backend #matrix #pulsar #pulsaredit #community #treesitter
@bonoky @lgeurts Hopefully soon this won't be required but that's next beta(I think, don't quote me on this). It's something weird about trying to get things updated and patched, from what I recall, and I know we've been fighting the build tools a bit as well. Hopefully soon we're in package managers in some way sooner or later, esp flatpak/snap. Though we could use all the help getting to that point we can get.
- @kaosine
#opensource #pulsar #pulsaredit #pulsar-edit #opensourcedev #discord
#opensource #pulsar #pulsaredit #opensourcedev #discord
Mit dem nächsten Update von #FOSSWarn, muss man seine Orte neu hinzufügen, weil sich ein paar grundlegende Dinge geändert haben. Wie sage ich das den Nutzern am besten? 🤔
Was mich mal für ein bisschen Statistik interessieren würde.
Ich habe FOSS Warn...
Bald ist ein bisschen Zeit um an #FOSSWarn weiterzuarbeiten. Was sollte ich dann als erstes verbessern?