class is a market feature.
#OpenAccessEconomy #ResourceBasedEconomy #CollaborativeCommons #OpenSourceEcology
#openaccesseconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #collaborativecommons #opensourceecology #freehumanity
@LovesTha Eh, I'm not entirely sold. You can get better quality with proper machine tooling, and quality goes a long way. Perhaps figuring out decent small scale machine shops, like #OpenSourceEcology has been looking into? Or, even just doing larger scale, slightly more 'conventional' industry, with efficient mass transport and decent durability and repairability.
If you don't already know them check out the #OpenSourceEcology project. They have a CNC milling machine in planning.
What I currently like thinking and learning about, and should spend more time on:
New ways to build the future,
#SustainableArchitecture #ConstructionAutomation #3DPrinting #Concrete3DPrinting #Ceramic3DPrinting #RammedEarth #BambooConstruction #OpenBIM #Biodome #ClimateEmulation #ClimateProofArchitecture #Robotics #Robots #Drones #OpenSourceEcology #HomeAutomation
New ways to create communities,
#CoopCities #StartupCities #RegenerativeVillages #CarFreeCity
#sustainablearchitecture #constructionautomation #3dprinting #concrete3dprinting #ceramic3dprinting #RammedEarth #bambooconstruction #openbim #biodome #climateemulation #climateproofarchitecture #robotics #robots #drones #opensourceecology #homeautomation #coopcities #startupcities #regenerativevillages #carFreeCity
I don't know what to do with this but, you know, if you have a lot of time, a large plot of land and 2/3 cereal crops, why don't you build your own tractor ? Kids will be happy and neighbours less, best deal ever 😬
Here's " LifeTrac6 " /> #OpenSourceEcology #OpenAgriculture #OpenWhatever
#opensourceecology #OpenAgriculture #OpenWhatever
Le mouvement #OpenSource m'étonnera toujours (et ça fait depuis mes années d'uni que je suis tombé dedans)
Aujourd'hui je découvre l'#OpenSourceEcology ou comment le partage des idées peut faire avancer le monde. #utopie #écologie #libre
#libre #écologie #utopie #opensourceecology #opensource
@skotperez Awesome! #FarmHack reminds me of #OpenSourceEcology project that develops open source industrial machines and shares their designs online for free.
#FarmHack #opensourceecology #openknowledge #freeknowledge
Farm Hacks
Tools made by farmers for farmers
Network approaches for increasing technological sovereignity
#farming #FarmHack #SoilHack #OpenSourceEcology
#farming #farmhack #soilhack #opensourceecology