I hate how #SwiftOnSecurity continues to mischaracterize #OpenSource, so this new episode of the #OpenSourceSecurity #podcast on how #EnterpriseOpenSource is Different is a breath of fresh air.
You don’t even have to like #Linux to appreciate it.
#swiftonsecurity #opensource #opensourcesecurity #podcast #enterpriseopensource #linux
Fast schon eine Glaubensfrage, ob #OpenSource oder proprietäre Software sicherer ist. Um das Ganze zu versachlichen, hat die #OSBA jetzt eine wissenschaftliche Studie zu #opensourcesecurity in Auftrag gegeben.
Die Untersuchung von Best-Practice-Beispielen zeigt, wie Software generell sicherer gemacht werden kann und welche Vorteile Open Source Software durch Quellcode-Transparenz und der Möglichkeit zur Anpassung bietet.
Hier findet ihr die Studie:
#opensource #osba #opensourcesecurity
It has never been easier to consume open source software. I talked to Ryan Ware on Open at Intel recently about how to do it the *right* way, and with #security in mind. We discussed vetting projects, the ever-changing security landscape, and more. Join us!
#security #opensource #opensourcesecurity #podcast #newepisode
The #WhiteHouse #cybersecurity strategy sets lofty goals. But market research on #SecOps and #opensourcesecurity shows an industry already struggling to achieve improvements. https://www.techtarget.com/searchitoperations/news/365532031/White-House-cybersecurity-plan-collides-with-SecOps-reality
#whitehouse #cybersecurity #secops #opensourcesecurity
An #opensource consortium that includes #Google plans to release a deployable beta of the #GUAC project this month, a possible milestone for #cloudnative #SBOM. https://www.techtarget.com/searchitoperations/news/365532041/SBOM-graph-database-aims-to-be-cloud-security-secret-sauce
#knowledgegraph #graphql #graphdatabase #Neo4j #cloudnativesecurity #cncf #OSS #opensourcesecurity #softwaresupplychain
#opensource #google #GUAC #cloudnative #SBOM #knowledgegraph #graphql #graphdatabase #neo4j #CloudNativeSecurity #cncf #oss #opensourcesecurity #softwaresupplychain
just listened to #EnterpriseLinuxSecurity #Podcast Episode 49 - "The Code is Open, But Who’s Looking at It?" from #OSAD20222 https://enterpriselinuxsecurity.show/2022/12/22/enterprise-linux-security-episode-49-the-code-is-open-but-whos-looking-at-it/
Slides are available at https://osad-munich.org/archiv/eindruecke-vom-osad-2022/ at Joao Correia
#opensourcesecurity #enterpriselinuxsecurity #podcast #osad20222
Dear valued #developer, please consider to have a look at the "#OpenSourceSecurity and the #OpenSSF Best Practices WG" at
for #osssecurity and general #securedevelopment / #sdlc
#developer #opensourcesecurity #OpenSSF #OSSsecurity #securedevelopment #sdlc
We've reached #30 on the Open Source Security Index! Seeing the community respond positively to something we are passionate about is fantastic. Thank you to our entire VAST community and @OSecurityIndex!
#opensourcesecurity #siem #secops #zeek
VAST v2.4 is out 🙌. The theme for this release is integration: new Docker Compose infra for quick and easy deployment with a raft of other tools, a REST API, revamped Python bindings with #Arrow extension types, and the first look at our upcoming @sveltejs frontend with a VAST status page.
#siem #secops #zeek #suricata #opensourcesecurity #zeek #suricata #tenzir
#arrow #siem #secops #zeek #suricata #opensourcesecurity #Tenzir
Using graph algorithms for module detection in open source software
#neo4j #graphdatascience #opensourcesecurity #socialcyber
We’re launching a newsletter! Every month we'll share recently released features and articles and which industry events we'll be at. Sign up for all things VAST and Tenzir.
#opensourcesecurity #newsletter #cybersecurity #securityanalytics #zeek
#opensourcesecurity #newsletter #cybersecurity #securityanalytics #zeek
Read about our #opensource work implementing the Network Time Protocol in #rustlang!
Folkert walks you through the whys and hows of this security-motivated implementation.
#ntp #networktimeprotocol #networktiming #opensourcesecurity #softwaresecurity
#opensource #rustlang #ntp #NetworkTimeProtocol #networktiming #opensourcesecurity #softwaresecurity
Oooh the recording of my opening keynote at #AllThingsOpen2022 is available on YouTube. If you missed it live you can check it out here:
#allthingsopen2022 #opensourcesecurity #vulnerabilities #infosec
#Finanzspritze für #Eclipse und #Python #SoftwareFoundation
Insgesamt 800.000 US-Dollar verteilt die #OpenSSF an die #OpenSource-Organisationen. Das Geld soll in Personal und Ressourcen für #Security-Maßnahmen fließen. ...
#opensourcesecurity #finanzspritze #eclipse #python #SoftwareFoundation #OpenSSF #opensource #security