I've enjoyed listening to the latest episode of The Open Source Security Podcast by @kurtseifried and @joshbressers. I particularly got a Google from the clarification the programming with objects is not the same as Object Oriented Programming. A truer truth was never said.
[Open Source Security Podcast] Episode 380 - A new Sovereign Tech Fund program and the BBC on destroying hard drives #openSourceSecurityPodcast
https://podcastaddict.com/open-source-security-podcast/episode/159435512 via @podcastaddict
@mastodon.social@kurtseifried mastodon.social@joshbressers I was listening to your episode "Joylynn Kirui from Microsoft on DevSecOps" E363
Instead of saying S-Two-C-Two-F why not say siiciif replacing the two with roman numerals II
#s2c2f #opensourcesecuritypodcast #devsecops
I was listening to Open Source Security Podcast and got a nice reminder that AGDQ is live once again! :owi:
Thank you @joshbressers and @kurtseifried for the Podcast and the reminder for AGDQ! :blobcoffee:
#agdq #agdq2023 #opensourcesecuritypodcast
Enjoying this crossover episode of #PaulsSecurityWeekly where @paulasadoorian interviews @kurtseifried and @joshbressers from the #OpenSourceSecurityPodcast which I also listen to. :flan_headphones::flan_hacker: #listening #podcasts
#paulssecurityweekly #opensourcesecuritypodcast #listening #podcasts
The ridiculous piano theme at the beginning of the Open Source Security Podcast is a perfect segue after a really heavy & serious podcast :blobchef: