Well, a cup of hot coffee ☕ and Willie Nelson's number 🎧
🎶 Maybe I didn't hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I'm so happy that you're mine
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
When you were always on my mind
You were always on my mind 🎶
Ah, lovely!
#life #coffee #music #linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #tools #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
#life #coffee #music #linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #tools #projectmanagement #ProjectManagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
#foss4guk2023 is over! Thanks to everyone who took part. Remember to fill out the feedback form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_BkoLawMv-1zuYemrmnhhdJekb35K-uwjFWx1uzTrkex_Pw/viewform) with your comments and ideas for the future. Do it before 17:00 on 21st Sept to be in the draw for a free e-book from @locatepress
#opensourcesoftware #geospatial
#foss4guk2023 #opensourcesoftware #geospatial
Open Source. Open Data. Better Cities. Help us shape urban mobility with one-time or a recurring donation to Trufi Association
#digitaldevelopment #ict4d #ict4dev #informaltransport #innovation #MaaS #mapping #Mobility #morningcommute #multimodal #Multimodality #opendata #opensource #opensourcesoftware #opensteetmap #OpenTripPlanner #publictransit #publictransport #PublicTransportation #software #sustainabletransport #tech #technology #transportation #donate
#digitaldevelopment #ICT4D #ict4dev #informaltransport #innovation #maas #mapping #mobility #morningcommute #multimodal #multimodality #opendata #opensource #opensourcesoftware #opensteetmap #opentripplanner #publictransit #publictransport #publictransportation #software #sustainabletransport #tech #technology #transportation #donate
Why the fuck so much of "noise" in the tech industry?? Creeps clamoring left and right ...meh ...
#life #linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #tools #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
#life #linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #tools #projectmanagement #ProjectManagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
#organicMaps is so good. Finally a good alternative to #googlemaps. Thanks @11111b for recommending and a huge thanks to @organicmaps for developing this beautiful piece of #opensourcesoftware!
#organicMaps #googlemaps #opensourcesoftware
Well, a cup of hot coffee ☕ and some thoughts 🤔
His statement somewhat equates to "attaining nirvana" ...bloody tempting ....isn't it?
Now, OTOH, think about the poor souls like me, it is difficult to meet both ends most of the time....
#life #coffee #music #linux #research #operatingsystemadministration #linuxsystemadministration #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
#life #coffee #music #linux #research #operatingsystemadministration #linuxsystemadministration #projectmanagement #ProjectManagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
Thank you to Albany Medical College for renewing your Apereo Foundation membership and for supporting the Sakai LMS project through a supporting subscription.
Thank you for continuing to champion #opensourcesoftware for #highereducation and the @sakailms project.
#opensourcesoftware #highereducation
Thank you to The University of Manchester for continuing to champion #opensourcesoftware by renewing your Apereo Foundation membership!
The University of Manchester extended its fiscal support beyond our basic membership level through Apereo's software sustainers program. Support for the Opencast, CAS and uPortal communities will go toward building and expanding #opensource for #highereducation across the globe.
Contact membership@apereo.org to learn more.
#opensourcesoftware #opensource #highereducation
Hey! The Head of Open Source here at @rubycentral, @indirect, is interviewed on the Rooftop Ruby podcast!
Please listen and share!
#ruby #podcast #oss #foss #opensource #opensourcesoftware
Well, a cup of hot coffee ☕ and Eric Clapton's number
🎶 Got To Get Better 🎶
#life #coffee #music #linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #tools #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
#life #coffee #music #linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #tools #projectmanagement #ProjectManagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
Here you go....a new shiny #linux #kernel released i.e. 6.5 ....goooo...play with it!!
Thanks, man! Linus Torvalds
#linux #research #linuxkernel #kernel #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #tools #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
#linux #kernel #research #linuxkernel #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #tools #projectmanagement #ProjectManagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
Die @CDU ist und bleibt eine lobbyistenhörige Partei.
Sie will OSS zugunsten proprietärer Systeme, die natürlich sehr viel teurer für uns Steuerzahler sind, abschaffen. Auch deshalb #NieMehrCDUCSU
#opensourcesoftware #cdu #lobbyismus
#niemehrcducsu #opensourcesoftware #cdu #lobbyismus
Well, a cup of hot coffee ☕ and Bob Dylan's number
🎶 Thunder On The Mountain 🎶
#life #coffee #music #linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #tools #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
#life #coffee #music #linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #tools #projectmanagement #ProjectManagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
Last week, I presented the work I did with prof. Kuldeep Meel and prof. Arunabha Sen at IJCAI 2023.
We showed the benefits of reducing a problem to a computationally harder problem (yes, you read that right!), by demonstrating how it allows us to solve much larger problem instances.
It was so much fun to finally share this work with so many fantastic researchers at IJCAI! Thank you to all organisers for making this conference possible. I'm also super grateful to the reviewers who gave us great feedback!
Please find our paper, slides, poster, a short video, and our open source tool, gismo, here: www.annalatour.nl/publication/2023-08-01-Solving-the-Identifying-Code-Set-Problem-with-Grouped-Independent-Support
#IJCAI2023 #IJCAI #AcademicMastodon #FOSS #PostdocLife #ConstraintProgramming #BooleanSatisfiability #Complexity #AcademicChatter #OpenSource #OpenSourceSoftware
#opensourcesoftware #opensource #academicchatter #complexity #booleansatisfiability #constraintprogramming #postdoclife #foss #academicmastodon #ijcai #ijcai2023
Moin Leute! ✌️🙂
Vor ein paar Jahren bin ich zum #SignalMessenger gewechselt und der Hauptgrund für mich war damals, dass ich zum einen keine #proprietäre Software nutzen möchte und zum anderen niemand blind vertrauen muss. Darum versuche ich so gut es mir möglich ist, ausschließlich #FreieSoftware und #OpenSourceSoftware zu verwenden. Ich selber bin seit Jahren in der #Linux Community aktiv und bin sehr zufrieden damit.
Weitere #Tröts werden gleich folgen. 😊
#trots #linux #opensourcesoftware #freiesoftware #proprietare #signalmessenger
Another RFP for Open-Source Digital Infrastructure:
#opensource #oshw #opensourcesoftware
We have almost reached the threshold of having a new #linux #kernel ...but ...not yet ...not yet .... :)
#linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #linuxkernel #kernel #operatingsystemadministration #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
#linux #kernel #research #linuxsystemadministration #linuxkernel #operatingsystemadministration #projectmanagement #ProjectManagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
This is one of the dark secrets that people are often stumped by. I am glad, someone bring it up.
#linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #tools #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
#linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #tools #projectmanagement #ProjectManagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
ROFL ....Bragging right!! Oh no! ... 🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣 🤣🤣 🤣 🤣🤣 🤣 🤣🤣 🤣
#linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #tools #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
#linux #research #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #networkadministration #tools #projectmanagement #ProjectManagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
Sometimes passing time just by staring at it! 🙄
#linux #research #gentoo #update #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #tools #projectmanagement #projectmanagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment
#linux #research #gentoo #update #linuxsystemadministration #operatingsystemadministration #tools #projectmanagement #ProjectManagers #opensourcesoftware #opensourcedevelopment