Watch the highlights from the 5 Years of OpenSpace Beta anniversary event here:
True organizational #transformation is now within reach. And it does not take more than 90 days.
#transformation #openspacebeta
#betacodex #agility #openspaceagility #change #changemanagement #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment
#transformation #openspacebeta #betacodex #agility #openspaceagility #change #changemanagement #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment
In this short highlight clip from the #5YearsOfOpenSpaceBeta anniversary event, @nielspflaeging outlines differences between #OpenSpaceBeta and #OpenSpaceAgility. #betacodex #leadership #agile #lean #transformation
#5yearsofopenspacebeta #openspacebeta #openspaceagility #betacodex #leadership #agile #Lean #transformation
It's 2 hours and 11 minutes of fun, insight and rich storytelling about organizational change & transformation. Not to miss!
#betacodex #5yearsofopenspacebeta #openspacebeta #transformation #culturechange #orgdev #organizationaldevelpment #agile #lean #agiletransformation #leantransformation #openspaceagility #safe #beyondbudgeting #leadership #deming #drucker
#betacodex #5yearsofopenspacebeta #openspacebeta #transformation #culturechange #orgdev #organizationaldevelpment #agile #Lean #agiletransformation #leantransformation #openspaceagility #safe #beyondbudgeting #leadership #deming #drucker
Transformation matters.
Here is why - explained by @nielspflaeging Pflaeging
#betacodex #openspacebeta #transformation #VFOT #lean #agile #agiletransformation #openspaceagility #leadership
#betacodex #openspacebeta #transformation #vfot #Lean #agile #agiletransformation #openspaceagility #leadership
This is a great way to start the new year: Join the #BetaCodex info hour with @nielspflaeging about #OpenSpaceBeta: The world's most powerful approach to organizational transformation:
OpenSpace Beta is the only approach to transformation that guarantees:
- 100% #invitation-based, no coercion
- 100% #timeboxed (it takes just 90 days!)
- Minimum need for #consultants
- Maximum engagement: All the willing will get involved
- Total transparency throughout the process, and maximum control - time-wise and through guiding principles.
Sign up to the Info Hour now!
#betacodex #agile #scrum #lean #teal #beyondbudgeting #newwork #futureofleadership #agiletransformation #change #orgdev #OrganizationalDevelopment #culturechange #OpenSpaceAgility #OpenSpace
#betacodex #openspacebeta #invitation #timeboxed #consultants #agile #scrum #Lean #teal #beyondbudgeting #newwork #futureofleadership #agiletransformation #change #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment #culturechange #openspaceagility #openspace
Time-boxing #change and #transformation work changes everything.
#betacodex #ChangeManagement #changeasflipping #VFOT #openspacebeta #openspaceagility #agile #agility #scrum #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment @silkehermann #lean #teal #newwork #newleadership #futureofleadership
#change #transformation #betacodex #changemanagement #changeasflipping #vfot #openspacebeta #openspaceagility #agile #agility #scrum #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment #lean #teal #newwork #newleadership #futureofleadership
The best way to adopt #agile is #OpenSpaceBeta
It is the best available approach to large-scale agile transformation. It was derived from #OpenSpaceAgility, which is also good, but just for software development teams, regardless of quantity.
If you want to transform an entire organization (which is both better and "easier"), OpenSpace Beta should clearly be your method of choice.
#agile #openspacebeta #openspaceagility #systemsthinking #betacodex #agiletransformation #agility
My poll on organizational #transformation closes in about 1 hour.
50 people already voted.
Take a look and vote yourself!
#orgdev #transformation #agiletransformation #agile #betatransformation #organizationaldevelopment #changemanagement #changeasflipping #openspacebeta #openspaceagility #lean #agility #teal #newwork #leadershiop #futureofwork #selforganization
#orgdev #transformation #agiletransformation #agile #betatransformation #organizationaldevelopment #changemanagement #changeasflipping #openspacebeta #openspaceagility #lean #agility #teal #newwork #leadershiop #futureofwork #selforganization
Niels' poll on organizational transformation closes in about 1 hour. 50 people already voted. Take a look ant vote yourself!
#orgdev #transformation #agiletransformation #agile #betatransformation #organizationaldevelopment #changemanagement #changeasflipping #openspacebeta #openspaceagility #lean #agility #teal #newwork #leadershiop #futureofwork #selforganization
#orgdev #transformation #agiletransformation #agile #betatransformation #organizationaldevelopment #changemanagement #changeasflipping #openspacebeta #openspaceagility #Lean #agility #teal #newwork #leadershiop #futureofwork #selforganization
Change work in organizations should ALWAYS be time-boxed. If an organizational transformation takes more than a few months, it does not deserve the name!
#changemanagement #transformation #newchange #newwork #newleadership #openspacebeta #VFOT #workthesystem #betacodex #openspaceagility #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment
#changemanagement #transformation #newchange #newwork #newleadership #openspacebeta #vfot #workthesystem #betacodex #openspaceagility #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment
Well, I think once people understand that change does not have to be hard and does not take forever, they sign up to it much much faster.
It is important though that you do NOT try to convince them. Instead, we should create conditions so that they can convince themselves.
One thing you can use fr this is @qomenius !
#qomenius #organizationaldevelopment #change #orgdev #transformation #vfot #openspacebeta #beta #agiletransformation #agile #agility #openspaceagility #leadership
#qomenius #organizationaldevelopment #change #orgdev #transformation #vfot #openspacebeta #beta #agiletransformation #agile #agility #openspaceagility #leadership
Thank you for asking! #VFOT means Very Fast Organizational Transformation. It is defined by five principles. Find out more about where this approach comes from and what the 5 principles are in the #BetaCodex white paper here:
#orgdev #organizationaldevelopment #change #transformation #betacodex #openspacebeta #openspaceagility #SystemsThinking #systemstheory #changemanagement
#vfot #betacodex #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment #change #transformation #openspacebeta #openspaceagility #systemsthinking #systemstheory #changemanagement
A new breed of change approaches has arrived! It is turning the logic of change management upside-down, opening up a new world of opportunities for organizational #transformation in the 21st century.
Read my new article on the topic, here:
#vfot #betacodex #changemanagement #changeleadership #kotter #agiletransformation #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment #betcodex #workthesystem #VFOT #openspacebeta #openspaceagility
#transformation #vfot #betacodex #changemanagement #changeleadership #kotter #agiletransformation #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment #betcodex #workthesystem #openspacebeta #openspaceagility
You want MEGAchange?
Then #OpenSpaceBeta is your method of choice:
- All the willing will do the change work, together
- There will be minimal need for consultants
- It will only take 90 days: Everything is time-boxed!
- Change work & outcomes will be based on self-org principles, consistently.
#transformation #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment #change #changeleadership #agiletransformation #betacodex #openspaceagility #openspace #workthesystem
#openspacebeta #transformation #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment #change #changeleadership #agiletransformation #betacodex #openspaceagility #openspace #workthesystem
In this video interview I talk about the Why and the How of #OpenSpaceBeta and coherent organizational #decentralization. And about why there is no alternative to decentralization, really.
#leadership #transformation #agiletransformation #change #betacodex #vfot #OpenSpaceagility @silkehermann #Red42 #changemanagement #workthesystem
#workthesystem #openspacebeta #decentralization #leadership #transformation #agiletransformation #change #betacodex #vfot #openspaceagility #red42 #changemanagement