Another excellent month has passed and we have reached exactly 400 paying customers. So once again, thank you!
đŸ“… MRR: $5,259 → $5,769 (+9.7%)
đŸ˜€ Subscribers: 372 → 400 (+7.5%)
July was our best month of the year so far, due to the end of #GoogleAnalytics 3 and the launch of Pirsch Analytics 2.0!
đŸ“… MRR: $4,642 → $5,259 (+13.3%)
đŸ˜€ Subscribers: 353 → 372 (+5.4%)
#openstartup #buildinpublic
#googleanalytics #openstartup #BuildInPublic
Avez-vous des ressources (textes de loi, jurisprudence) Ă la question suivante "Un employeur a-t-il lĂ©galement le droit d'Ăªtre transparent concernant la rĂ©munĂ©ration de ses salariĂ©s ?" #OpenStartup #Salaire #droit
We're working on our #OpenStartup strategy at the moment, which is about sharing more information as our business progresses.
In that process, we stumbled upon the idea of "Enterprise Resource Planning" that integrates all key business functions into one system.
What are you favorite examples of orgs using the #opencompany #openstartup model?
Just came across another one, that I've been using without realizing: