Vous avez déjà essayé l'application #KartaView ? (je crois que c'était anciennement #OpenStreetCam )
Apparemment il s'agit d'un moyen d’enrichir #OpenStreetMap en prenant des photos , un peu à la manière de StreetView.
#KartaView #openstreetcam #openstreetmap #osm
@jimbo That's also a nice workflow! The tool #Pic4Review may interest you then: https://pic4review.pavie.info There you can create and answer quests to add/update/improve OpenStreetMap data. It gathers and displays street imagery from the thing that is to be improved and offers you a user friendly way of making the actual change directly in the tool. The street imagery comes from sources like #OpenStreetCam, #Mapillary and other usable sources. So your #KartaView contributions may show up there! I've used Mapillary a lot (before Facebook bought it) and was very happy when my submissions showed up and helped with answering the questions. Pic4Review is free software, which also is a big plus
#pic4review #openstreetcam #mapillary #KartaView
#OpenStreetCam plugin becomes #KartaView and integrates new visualisation feature, including 360° images, in #JOSM: https://blog.improveosm.org/en/2021/03/openstreetcam-plugin-becomes-kartaview-and-integrates-new-visualisation-feature/. #OpenStreetMap
#openstreetcam #KartaView #josm #OpenStreetMap #weeklyosm
#OpenStreetCam becomes #KartaView, following the OSM Foundation’s discouraging of names like OpenStreetSomething: https://blog.improveosm.org/en/2020/11/hello-kartaview/
#openstreetcam #KartaView #OpenStreetMap
#Mapillary ⇄ #OpenStreetCam synchronization tool will copy your images from one to the other: https://forum.mapillary.com/t/mapillary-openstreetcam-synchronization-tool/4246
#mapillary #openstreetcam #OpenStreetMap
A 22-page study on “Crowdsourcing Street View Imagery: A Comparison of #Mapillary and #OpenStreetCam”: https://www.mdpi.com/2220-9964/9/6/341/htm #OpenStreetMap #mdpi
#mapillary #openstreetcam #OpenStreetMap #mdpi
Apprendo con qualche giorno di ritardo che #Facebook ha acquistato #Mapillary, il servizio simil-StreetView realizzato in crowdsourcing dagli stessi utenti e basato sulle mappe di #OpenStreetMap
Brutta notizia: Mapillary è un'azienda privata ed il catalogo d'immagini raccolte è sempre stato distribuito con licenza libera, tuttavia la vendita PROPRIO a Facebook fa incazzare non poco, anche perché Mapillary è pure integrato in OsmAnd l' App-coltellino svizzero di OSM.
Sarebbe auspicabile che #OpenStreetCam, un progetto simile ma meno sviluppato, acquisisse il database di Mapillary. Ma la vedo dura. Brutta notizia. Brutta davvero. 😕
#facebook #mapillary #openstreetmap #openstreetcam
Reverse geocoding is back on #OpenStreetCam for the record. It broke for almost 2-3 weeks IIRC.
#Facebook is already there
#openstreetcam #Facebook #mapillary
@kdkeller @blub
Ich weiß nicht ob das eine wirkliche Alternative ist. #ExodusPrivacy listet mir mehrere #Facebook #Tracker für die #Android #App
#exodusprivacy #Facebook #tracker #android #app #openstreetcam
@z428 Yeah. At first I was onboard because I saw it being promoted by #OSM peeps, then when I looked at their website... I looked elsewhere and found #OpenStreetCam. :)
#Facebook just bought #Mapillary.
Move your images to a #FOSS *community run* project instead! How? Simple:
1. Download your images: https://github.com/gitouche-sur-osm/mapillary_takeout
2. Upload to #OpenStreetCam:
3. Enjoy giving a giant, fat middle finger to #Zuckerberg. 🌻 🌈 🌻
4. Boost and have a nice day!
#facebook #mapillary #foss #openstreetcam #zuckerberg
Speaking of #OpenStreetCam's uploads downtime lately... they are "refactoring their processing pipeline", which "could take weeks".
🗺️📸 Ups! #Facebook übernimmt #Mapillary. Da muss ich mir #OpenStreetCam doch nochmal genauer ansehen. https://www.golem.de/news/openstreetmap-facebook-uebernimmt-crowdsource-kartenanbieter-mapillary-2006-149184.html #OpenStreetMap
#facebook #mapillary #openstreetcam #openstreetmap
I should be updating #OpenStreetMap with data from #OpenStreetCam. #JOSM editor now allows custom icons on the toolbar, so I was distracted from editing...!
#OpenStreetMap #openstreetcam #josm
#OpenStreetCam is stuck, active uploaders now got stuck between 10-20 uploads "need processing"
Mapping "lesson" of the day: it's okay not to extrapolate
Areas around this fuel station (https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/606391560) was actually quite not mapped.
As usual, I tried to browse for any #OpenStreetCam photos. Indeed there are quite a number of them, and plenty of photos turned out to be very helpful.
The fuel station is located in a mixed residential and retail land use (carrying a specific name).
First glance: the fuel station should bear the similar name with the mixed land use.
Those with 5000+ photos for #OpenStreetCam in a single track upload (and single session) must be chugging along a phone with huuuuuuuuge storage capacity. 128GB maybe?
Learned the hard way today that #OpenStreetCam is wonky on an interrupted connection
My new workflow with #OpenStreetCam at a first glance a tad quicker than my previous method. Now I usually go through sequences and bookmark whichever things that piqued my interest to map. Then edit in #JOSM.
That, however, seemed doesn't go well with a sequence with 5000+ photos. OpenStreetCam was very happy to tell me it's having a hiccup quite frequently (Ups! Not found yadda yadda yadda). But frequent force refresh sorted that out.