Please save the date for my open studio with Art Span SF. Thank you!!! KENNA M. LINDSAY
NOVEMBER 11 - 12
10AM - 6 PM
#artist #openstudios
Lisa Haderlie Baker answers five questions from Gene Kahane about her life as a professional illustrator, designer, and painter.
#5Q4 #alameda #art #artists #BiologyDiagrams #LisaHaderlieBaker #MarineBiology #OpenStudios #painting
#5q4 #alameda #art #artists #biologydiagrams #lisahaderliebaker #marinebiology #openstudios #Painting
Rain date is June 25, but, it doesn't look much better.
West Medford #OpenStudios
June 24, 12-5.
Dugger Park.
Western Avenue #OpenStudios
6/3, 12-5.
See site for Loading dock gallery Food Truck info.
Cape Ann Artisans #OpenStudios
40th Anniversary Year Celebration
Full Tour: June 3 & 4. 10-5.
Mini Tour: August 12. 10-5.
Full Tour: October 7 & 8. 10-5.
Hammerdal, let's go!!
Open studio (old train car house) today and tomorrow!
Hammerdal, nu kör vi!!
#KulTur23 #konstnärsvardag #LOKSTALLETFIREANDHEART #everydayartist #openstudios
#openstudios #everydayartist #lokstalletfireandheart #konstnarsvardag #kultur23
#Somerville #OpenStudios
May 6 & 7, 12-6.
350+ Artists in 90 locations,
including me!
Free Trolleys!
The works!
Mark your calendars for May 13 to experience the free Art of San Quentin exhibit at the Healing Gardens. Experience visual art, live performances, and video installations. Two free walking tours are available by online reservation, and the spots are filling quickly.
#art #radium #stiizy #alameda #DIgifli #OpenStudios #TaraPilbrow #HealingGarden #HawthornSuites #ArtOfSanQuentin #CalafiaTaqueria #FeatheredOutlaw #TheFiresideLounge #WestEndArtsDistrict
#art #radium #stiizy #alameda #digifli #openstudios #tarapilbrow #healinggarden #hawthornsuites #artofsanquentin #calafiataqueria #featheredoutlaw #thefiresidelounge #westendartsdistrict
Discover art where it happens! Open Studios is a free, family-friendly, self-guided tour of more than 185 artists' studios and exhibition spaces in 15 cities, including Alameda. Mark your calendar for these two weekends in May to mingle at receptions, meet the artists, and enter contests for prizes.
#art #alameda #OpenStudios #photography #FrankBetteCenterForTheArts
#art #alameda #openstudios #photography #frankbettecenterforthearts
So, now I've signed up to this years open studio edition of 'KulTur' here in my county Jämtland and Härjedalen. An event that I initiated 13 years ago still running. Some 80+ participants! Artists, crafters and sloyders.
First weekend in May I will open the doors to the old train car house in Hammerdal and show my art and probably some blacksmithing or hot glass making!
#MastoArt @Curator #openstudios
Registered for a local artist open studios thing. Won't be using my own studio (basically my dining room), but will be sharing space with 4 or 5 other artists. Did this last year in a bldg that's a zen meditation center/art center (this yr too). The zendo manager insisted on hanging all our work for us. The other artists were great. I learned a lot. Made some decent $$. Looking forward to this! #openstudios #artsales #artists
#artists #artsales #openstudios
Registered for a local artist open studios thing. Won't be using my own studio (basically my dining room), but will be sharing space with 4 or 5 other artists. Did this last year in a bldg that's a zen meditation center/art center (this yr too). The zendo manager insisted on hanging all our work for us. The other artists were great. I learned a lot. Made some decent $$. Looking forward to this! #openstudios
Western Avenue #OpenStudios
3/4, 12-5.
Loading dock gallery reception, 3-5 “Face to Face”
Food Truck otd: Lou's Deli
The inaugural 3rd Saturday Open Studios at The Silos starts TODAY. Come by studio #206. You never know who you might run into.
#OpenStudios #Art #MastoArt #ArtLife #HoustonArtist #Houston #HoustonSkyline
#houstonskyline #houston #houstonartist #artlife #MastoArt #art #openstudios
For today's 2nd Saturday Open Studios I'm holding a contest for the best Harry Stiles jumpsuit-inspired garment!
Do you think you have what it takes? Terms and conditions apply:
1) You must be photographed in my studio wearing the garment;
2) The winner will posted on my IG with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities appertaining thereto.
#art #MastoArt #OpenStudios #Houston #HoustonArtist #TexasArtist
#texasartist #houstonartist #houston #openstudios #MastoArt #art
A little bit of my glazing process. Had a lovely visit from and he asked about my notemaking re glazing edition pieces. I make my own glazes, test and blend and make copious notes. But the application is the most painterly part of my process.
3-4 Dec
Cottage Street #OpenStudios
12/3 10-5.
12/4, 10-5.
12/10, 10-5.
Easthampton, MA
StoveFactory #OpenStudios
12/3-4, 11-5
Winter exhibit
12/10-11, 12-5
Avocado chicken salad in a ramen bowl.
Limitless possibilities and #boldmoves available through pottery at Beaverhall Arts Studios this weekend.
NB I was taught to cut an avocado like this from Tam 'the bam' when I worked at Zizzi Ocean Terminal 20 years ago.
#edinburgh #openstudios #ceramics #handmadeuk #scottishpottersassociation
#scottishpottersassociation #handmadeuk #ceramics #openstudios #edinburgh #boldmoves