Finally got #pgwatch2 to monitor my lab #PostgreSQL #Databases up an running on #openSUSE Leap 15.4. It was quite a bit of work to figure out the setup and it was anything but easy.
I use #GrafanaServer and run #PostgreSQL 15.3, including #Patroni and #etcd.
#pgwatch2 #PostgreSQL #database #opensuse #grafanaserver #patroni #etcd #opensuseleap #grafana
Just did a successful set up of #Grafana for the first time on #Linux. 👍 It’s the most recent version v10.0.1. I even managed to create a self-signed #Certificate and make Grafana use it. So, there's at least a little security. 🤣
I used the #GrafanaServer #rpm package for the #openSUSE Leap #LinuxDistribution. The service file for “systemctl enable grafana-server.service” is broken but that's easy to fix.
#grafana #Linux #certificate #grafanaserver #rpm #opensuse #linuxdistribution #opensuseleap
My old home #PC #Server finally died after several years. I used it with #openSUSE Leap (server setup). I received my new Cirrus 7 Nimbus and again installed openSUSE Leap.
Ok, this is not my favorite #Linux #Distribution but I need it to be openSUSE.
The setup is complete crap! Once it runs, it runs fine and is rock solid, but repo packages are hopelessly out of date. And setting it up is the worst thing ever. I hate #Yast! 😞
#pc #server #opensuse #Linux #distribution #yast #opensuseleap
Guess which favorite desktop OS I'm using… 🤔 #opensuse #leap #opensuseleap #susecon23 💚
#opensuse #leap #opensuseleap #susecon23
@railmeat #endeavouros or #opensusetumbleweed or #archlinux for rolling-release. #opensuseleap, #popos or #lmde for stable release. However it depends solely on the purpose of this laptop and your preferences, such as #wayland or what package managers work best for you.
#endeavouros #opensusetumbleweed #archlinux #opensuseleap #popos #lmde #wayland
Today is a good day to upgrade my openSUSE Leap from 15.4 to 15.5, the friendly Linux distribution from the neighbourhood.🥳 :opensuse:
#opensuse #opensuseleap #linux
#opensuse #opensuseleap #linux
Ich war mit @opensuse Leap immer sehr zufrieden.
#opensuse #opensuseleap
Aktuell würde ich eher #Guix nehmen, da es mir besser gefällt.
So. Hab noch was vor heute. Upgrade auf die Beta von #opensuseleap . PackMan für 15.5 mittlerweile online ( Multimedia-Repo). Aber erstmal Datensicherung.
Frage an das Schwarmwissen der Fedi-Gemeinschaft hier
Welche #Linux Distribution würdet Ihr mir für einen Heimrechner (Mini PC mit Ryzen 5600H & 32GB RAM) empfehlen, der in erster Linie als Office-PC genutzt werden soll?
Wünsche meinerseits:
- eher auf Stabilität ausgerichtet
- #rollingrelease wäre schön
- dennoch recht moderne Pakete (#Debian Stable wäre mir zu altbacken)
- ich kann mit der #kommandozeile umgehen, muss kein ClickyBunty sein
Ich habe #opensuseleap im Blick, danke für Tipps
#opensuseleap #kommandozeile #debian #rollingrelease #linux
@opensuse my wife was not amused today because virtualbox-7.0.4-lp154.2.20.2.x86_64 don't boot her windows10-VM anymore.
Can you tell me why this happens since this version? #VirtualBox #opensuseleap 15.4
openSUSE Leap 15.4 Officially Released, This Is What’s New
#Linuxdistribution #openSUSELeap15.4 #openSUSELeap #openSUSE #Distro #News
#Linuxdistribution #opensuseleap15 #opensuseleap #opensuse #distro #news
How To Install openSUSE Leap 15.3 Desktop – A Step By Step Guide #Opensuse #Leap #InstallOpensuse #Linux #OpensuseLeap
#opensuseleap #Linux #InstallOpensuse #leap #OpenSUSE
openSUSE Leap 15.3 Officially Released with Xfce 4.16, Sway Tiling WM for Wayland, and More
#Linuxdistribution #openSUSE #openSUSELeap #openSUSELeap15.3
#opensuseleap15 #opensuseleap #OpenSUSE #Linuxdistribution
openSUSE Leap 15.3 Released for Public Beta Testing, Download Now
#Linuxdistribution #openSUSE #openSUSELeap #openSUSELeap15.3
#opensuseleap15 #opensuseleap #OpenSUSE #Linuxdistribution
That was my thought as well. But in my testing was involved 3 different USB sticks and 3 different laptops (I have around 7 laptops🙂 ). The results so far:
#opensusetumbleweed - all 3 failing
#manjarokde - all 3 working fine
#opensuseleap - all 3 working fine.
Gonna ask on OpenSUSE forum to check the ISO snapshot.
#opensusetumbleweed #manjarokde #opensuseleap
Looks it's #tumbleweed specific issue. #opensuseleap ISO is OK.
openSUSE Leap 15.1 Reached End of Life, Upgrade to openSUSE Leap 15.2 Now
#SUSE #opensuseleap #endoflife #OpenSUSE #eol
GeckoLinux Distro Has a New Release After Two Years, Based on openSUSE Leap 15.2
#geckolinux #opensuseleap #OpenSUSE #Linuxdistribution
openSUSE Leap 15.2 Officially Released, Here’s What’s New
#SUSE #opensuseleap #OpenSUSE #Linuxdistribution