LRZ: "https://OpenWebSearch.EU is an open project where others can contribute"
"As the call for proposals runs until the end of April, we expect that most applications will be received in the last week. Since we are pioneering the open web index, information about the call is likely to reach potentially interested parties only with a delay"
#searchengine #eu #openwebsearch
The #OpenWebSearch third-party call for contributions on legal or economic aspects of Open Search closes on 28 April. Reach out if you want to contribute.
I don't take SEO very seriously, but the top 4 most important signals for relevance according to Semrush are based on page analytics (read Google Analytics). Hard for newcomers... #OpenWebSearch
Megi Sharikadze from "We are eager to onboard new players – particularly those from research organisations or smaller tech companies – to extend and enrich the R&D activities of the ecosystem"
#OpenWebSearch Third-Party Call for Proposals: Call, Pre-Announcement: Piloting a Cooperative Open Web Search Infrastructure to Support Europe’s Digital Sovereignty
We're super excited about #StormCrawler being used by the #OpenWebSearch project.
Missing Link: Offener Web-Index soll Europa bei der Suche unabhängig machen
Mit der von der EU geförderten Entwicklung eines Open Web Index wollen Forscher die Dominanz von Google & Co. brechen und das menschliche Wissen verbreitern.
#SearchEngine #eu #OWI #EuropeanOpenWebIndex #OWSAI #OpenWebSearchAndAnalysisInfrastructure #OpenWebSearch #Suma #OSF #Serci #StormCrawler
Ferner #Gigablast #FindX #Quaero #Theseus #CommonCrawls
#searchengine #eu #owi #EuropeanOpenWebIndex #OWSAI #OpenWebSearchAndAnalysisInfrastructure #openwebsearch #suma #osf #serci #StormCrawler #gigablast #findx #quaero #Theseus #commoncrawls
@resmo 100% agree! Sorry if it came across otherwise. I was just noting that #openwebsearch seems to be EU-centric and as someone outside of the EU I'd like to contribute to something that will be non-centric in its overall design though perhaps centric/niched in particular instances.
@hugo Sweet, thanks! I’m remain hopeful! Tell him I’m a huge fan of the cluster view and the whole user-side logic behind it :)
Now if #OpenWebSearch really becomes a (useful) thing, (a) #Seeks (successor) could turn out really good.
@badri @Mojeek , no, I wasn't aware of that, probably because Google doesn't route traffic and attention to it. Thanks!
There is also this #OpenWebSearch by #EU:
Seems like the EU gave 8.5 Mio funding to 14 institutions to build an open web index:
From what I understand they are aiming at an index that is continuously updated (unlike Common Crawl which currently seems to be updated on a monthly basis).
Considering that Common Crawl now amounts to 320 TB ( and that Google's index is estimated at 1.8 PB ( it seems like quite an endeavor to collect, store and structure those data at a relatively modest budget.
Let's wish them much success!
P.S. still googled most of the infos :blobnomouth: