👋 Hello and nice to meet all of you!
I'm Steven. I'm a web dev focused on the #DotNet and #TypeScript space, an avid gamer, and tech geek in Chicago.
🎥🎮 I'm into anything #StarWars, #StarTrek, or #StarGate related. I used to play a StarWars MUSH and a BBS game called #TradeWars2002 growing up. #Tron #EarthStarVoyager #OpenWorldRPGs Anything #ScienceFiction or #Fantasy.
💻 I love building computers and dabbling with my tiny #Linux home lab setup.
😸 Proud and happy #CatDad.
#introduction #dotnet #typescript #starwars #startrek #stargate #tradewars2002 #tron #earthstarvoyager #openworldrpgs #sciencefiction #fantasy #linux #catdad