Director Simon Stone: ‘My heroes are women’
#TheatreMEWS #StageMEWS #CultureMEWS #DramaFilmsMEWS #OperaMEWS
The innovative Australian director who gained acclaim for his version of Yerma starring Billie Piper is now reframing Phaedra as a postmenopausal love story with Janet McTeerSimon Stone does things differently. As a young dir...
#theatremews #stagemews #culturemews #dramafilmsmews #operamews
The week in classical: Least Like the Other; Elena Urioste and Tom Poster
#ClassicalMusicMEWS #OperaMEWS #CultureMEWS #MusicMEWS #WigmoreHallMEWS #RoyalOperaHouseMEWS
Linbury theatre, Royal Opera House; Wigmore Hall, LondonThe sad fate of Rosemary Kennedy is strikin...
#classicalmusicmews #operamews #culturemews #musicmews #wigmorehallmews #royaloperahousemews