Aria IA arriva anche su Opera GX
Opera GX abbraccia l'IA: disponibile Aria, assistente virtuale intelligente per gamers
#Android #App #Aria #Browser #BrowserAI #GPT #IA #IntelligenzaArtificiale #Internet #iOS #macOS #Notizie #Novità #OpenAI #Opera #OperaOne #Ricerca #Software #TechNews #Tecnologia #Web #Windows11 #operagx @opera @operagxofficial
#android #app #aria #browser #browserai #gpt #ia #intelligenzaartificiale #internet #ios #macos #notizie #novita #openai #opera #operaone #ricerca #software #technews #tecnologia #web #Windows11 #OperaGX
So, #OperaOne just crashed in the middle of a Paypal payment. Not off to a good start, guys.
Opera Oneブラウザ
同社はAI製品を発表し続けている #operaone
Es ist eingetreten, wovor ich latent Angst habe: Nach einem Browser-Neustart sind alle Tabs weg. Scheiße, ich verlasse mich darauf, dass die Tabs persistent sind – brain offloading – und jetzt stehe ich echt doof da. Hatte mir nach dem Update auf #OperaOne alles in schöne Tabinseln aufgeteilt, um Übersicht zu gewinnen, jetzt habe ich plötzlich ganz viel Übersicht. 😱
Opera unveils the AI-powered Opera One browser, featuring the advanced Aria chatbot and an array of features designed to enhance your browsing experience.
#aipoweredbrowser #operaone #ariachatbot
Opera unveils the AI-powered Opera One browser, featuring the advanced Aria chatbot and an array of features designed to enhance your browsing experience.
#aipoweredbrowser #operaone #ariachatbot
Opera One introduces the first “truly native browser AI”
Opera One introduces the first "truly native browser AI," Aria, and boasts a new Modular Design, and redesigned browser architecture.
#OperaOne #browser #technews #AI
#operaone #browser #technews #AI
Hey techies! Opera One Browser launched with native AI, modular design & Tab Islands 🚀 Via MacRumors. #OperaOne #artificialintelligence #browsergame What features are you looking forward to the most?
#operaone #artificialintelligence #browsergame
#OperaOne が正式リリースされたのでブログ書きました!日本語でも Opera 独自の #ChatGPT ベース生成AI「Aria」が利用可能です!
Operaが正式版「Opera One」リリース
Opera Software has released its latest version of the #Opera browser, named #OperaOne, which features its first-ever native AI called #Aria, a new generative design, and a feature called Tab Islands to manage your tabs in a clever way.
معضلة الخصوصية في نماذج #الذكاء_الاصطناعي التوليدي للمحادثة باللغة الطبيعية، و دخول شركة Opera النرويجية بدورها سباق روبوتات الدردشة باللغة الطبيعية المتصلة بـ #ChatGPT مع إطلاق #Aria،
ضمن أخر إصدار من برنامج التصفح #OperaOne.مع تحيات #نايلةالصليبي
#نايلةالصليبي #operaone #aria #chatgpt #الذكاء_الاصطناعي
Essayer la nouvelle version développeur d'Opera One. ✔️
Accepter que ça risque de planter. ✔️
Subir au moins 2 à 3 plantages inopinés et sans raison à chaque jour depuis l'installation la semaine passée. ✔️
(Ouin ! Ça commence à me donner le goût de revenir à la version stable d'Opera. 🤔)
Opera dnes představila facelift svého prohlížeče nazvaný "Opera One" s dle mého názoru poměrně příjemným novým pojetím automatického seskupování záložek.
Měla by u Vás (nová) Opera šanci i přes problematickou přítomnost Čínských investorů? 🇨🇳🤔
#opera #operaone #browser #privacy
Opera が新たに発表したブラウザのコンセプト「#OperaOne」(今年後半にこの形に置き換わる予定)の売りは、Vivaldi のタブスタックっぽいタブグループ化機能「Tab Islands(タブアイランド)」。これはこれで洗練されてて良さげ。
AwesomeCast 637: A Rapid Unscheduled Deassembly w/ @profpod @sorgatron @Dudders
#technews #trends #podcast #UntitledGooseGame #Steam #PittsburghMarathon #CapCut #videoediting #generativeAI #OperaOne #grumpycat #AIworkflow #productivity #SpaceX
#technews #trends #podcast #untitledgoosegame #steam #pittsburghmarathon #capcut #videoediting #generativeai #operaone #grumpycat #aiworkflow #productivity #spacex
🌐 Opera Software has announced the upcoming release of its new browser, #OperaOne, which boasts generative AI capabilities, a multithreaded compositor, and Tab Islands. 👀 Read more here:
Opera One is a redesigned web browser coming to Windows, Mac, and Linux later this year. An early access preview is availabe now, and the developers at Opera say it has a modular, customizable user interface and new tab grouping options, among othe rthings. #Opera #OperaOne #WebBrowser #apps
#opera #operaone #webbrowser #apps