What is the most unlikely place to find #FreeBSD and #zfs do you think?
#freebsd #zfs #IndustrialIT #operationaltechnology
Convergence of OT and IT systems sees moves to improve security #CyberSecurity #OperationalTechnology
#cybersecurity #operationaltechnology
Organizations struggle to manage OT security risks #CyberSecurity #OperationalTechnology
#cybersecurity #operationaltechnology
Nozomi Networks targets industrial #edge security with Nozomi Arc
Nozomi Networks, an OT (#operationaltechnology) and #iot (Internet of Things) security provider, has unveiled #nozomi Arc, an endpoint #security #sensor designed to achieve robust #operationalefficiency. This solution targets the challenge of #monitoring #industrial control devices and combines the company’s Vantage and Guardian #platforms to provide #network #analysis.
#edge #operationaltechnology #iot #nozomi #security #sensor #operationalefficiency #monitoring #industrial #platforms #network #analysis
TSA Plans Cyber Risk Regulation for Pipeline & Rail Sector https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/tsa-plans-cyber-risk-regulation-for-pipeline-rail-sector-a-20576 Oil pipeline & rail sectors may have to implement cyber risk management following US Transportation Security Administration's new rule-making process. #cybersecurity #operationaltechnology #IIOT
#cybersecurity #operationaltechnology #iiot
#offshore but not off the radar for cybersecurity:
"GAO is making one recommendation: BSEE should immediately develop and implement a strategy to address offshore infrastructure risks. Such a strategy should include an assessment and mitigation of risks; and identify objectives, roles, responsibilities, resources, and performance measures, among other things."
The report is light on technical detail but familiar theme of #operationaltechnology being no longer isolated. A couple of #incident #casestudies I wasn't familiar with.
#offshore #operationaltechnology #incident #casestudies
Millions of Unpatched IoT, OT Devices Threaten Critical Infrastructure - Industrial, factory and medical gear remain largely unpatched when it comes to the URGENT/11 and C... https://threatpost.com/unpatched-iot-ot-devices-threaten-critical-infrastructure/162275/ #criticalinfrastructure #operationaltechnology #internetofthings #vulnerabilities #medicaldevices #securitybugs #factories #unpatched #urgent/11 #takeover #armis #cdpwn #iot #ot
#ot #iot #cdpwn #armis #takeover #urgent #unpatched #factories #securitybugs #medicaldevices #vulnerabilities #internetofthings #operationaltechnology #criticalinfrastructure
‘Amnesia:33’ TCP/IP Flaws Affect Millions of IoT Devices - A new set of vulnerabilities has been discovered affecting millions of routers and IoT and OT devi... https://threatpost.com/amnesia33-tcp-ip-flaws-iot-devices/161928/ #securityvulnerabilities #operationaltechnology #internetofthings #vulnerabilities #embeddedsystems #tcp/ipstack #amnesia:33 #opensource #podcasts #routers #tcp/ip #flaws #patch #iot #ot
#ot #iot #patch #flaws #routers #podcasts #opensource #amnesia #tcp #embeddedsystems #vulnerabilities #internetofthings #operationaltechnology #securityvulnerabilities
Bugs in Critical Infrastructure Gear Allow Sophisticated Cyberattacks - Security problems in Schneider Electric programmable logic controllers allow compromise of the har... https://threatpost.com/bugs-critical-infrastructure-gear-attacks/161164/ #criticalinfrastructureattacks #programmablelogiccontrollers #ecostruxuremachineexpert #securityvulnerabilities #criticalinfrastructure #operationaltechnology #schneiderelectric #vulnerabilities #securitybypass #trustwave #utilities #firmware #ot
#ot #firmware #utilities #trustwave #securitybypass #vulnerabilities #schneiderelectric #operationaltechnology #criticalinfrastructure #securityvulnerabilities #ecostruxuremachineexpert #programmablelogiccontrollers #criticalinfrastructureattacks
From Triton to Stuxnet: Preparing for OT Incident Response - Lesley Carhart, with Dragos, gives Threatpost a behind-the-scenes look at how industrial companies... https://threatpost.com/triton-stuxnet-ot-incident-response/161147/ #industrialcontrolsystem #criticalinfrastructure #manufacturingsecurity #operationaltechnology #newsmakerinterviews #industrialmalware #incidentresponse #crashoverride #lesleycarhart #websecurity #coronavirus #industroyer #industrial #factories #podcasts #podcast
#podcast #podcasts #factories #industrial #industroyer #coronavirus #websecurity #lesleycarhart #crashoverride #incidentresponse #industrialmalware #newsmakerinterviews #operationaltechnology #manufacturingsecurity #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystem
Report: Critical Infrastructure Cyber Attacks A Global Crisis - The systems we rely on to keep the lights on, heat our homes, make our medicines and move our good... https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/636530954/0/thesecurityledger~Report-Critical-Infrastructure-Cyber-Attacks-A-Global-Crisis/ #operationaltechnologies #operationaltechnology #operationalsecurity #technologies #companies #claroty #reports #covid19 #survey
#survey #COVID19 #reports #claroty #companies #technologies #operationalsecurity #operationaltechnology #operationaltechnologies
Critical Industrial Flaws Pose Patching Headache For Manufacturers - When it comes to patching critical flaws, industrial firms face various challenges - with some nee... https://threatpost.com/critical-industrial-flaws/159448/ #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #operationaltechnology #factorysecurity #patchchallenges #patchmanagement #sharonbrizinov #criticalpatch #manufacturing #vulnerability #industrial #codemeter #podcasts #claroty #podcast #patch #scada #ics #ot
#ot #ics #scada #patch #podcast #claroty #podcasts #codemeter #industrial #vulnerability #manufacturing #criticalpatch #sharonbrizinov #patchmanagement #patchchallenges #factorysecurity #operationaltechnology #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems
Podcast: Learning to ‘Speak the Language’ of OT Security Teams - Andrew Ginter, VP Industrial Security at Waterfall Security Solutions, talks about the differing p... https://threatpost.com/podcast-learning-to-speak-the-language-of-ot-security-teams/157982/ #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #operationaltechnology #podcasts #security #podcast #ics #it #ot
#ot #it #ics #podcast #security #podcasts #operationaltechnology #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems
Critical Bugs in Utilities VPNs Could Cause Physical Damage - Gear from Secomea, Moxa and HMS Networks are affected by remote code-execution flaws, researchers ... more: https://threatpost.com/critical-bugs-utilities-vpns-physical-damage/157835/ #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #operationaltechnology #remotecodeexecution #vulnerabilities #denialofservice #infrastructure #physicaldamage #cloudsecurity #securityflaws #vulnerability #remoteaccess #workfromhome #websecurity
#websecurity #workfromhome #remoteaccess #vulnerability #securityflaws #cloudsecurity #physicaldamage #infrastructure #denialofservice #vulnerabilities #remotecodeexecution #operationaltechnology #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems