The Crusader Project · @crusaderproject
106 followers · 103 posts · Server

Isaac Sweers was a Dutch design, of the Callenburgh class. She was towed away to Britain when the Netherlands surrendered in 1940, to be finished in a British yard. She had advanced anti-aircraft fire control systems, and an obviously highly motivated crew. She entered fighting in the during when she participated in the destruction of two light cruisers at the battle of Cape Bon on 13 December 1941.

#mediterranean #operationcrusader #italiannavy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Crusader Project · @crusaderproject
106 followers · 103 posts · Server

In the spirit of , I also wanted to raise awareness of an oddity of - it saw almost as many sailors killed as soldiers.

The reason for this was that two of the most significant loss-of-life sinkings occurred during the operation, when HMS Barham was lost to a spread of German torpedoes, and HMS Neptune ran into a minefield north of Tripoli.


#RememberanceDay #operationcrusader #britisharmy #uboat #ww2 #Navalhistory #histodons #history

Last updated 2 years ago

The Crusader Project · @crusaderproject
106 followers · 103 posts · Server

The division would end in the northern part of the Marada - Mersa el Brega position. It's lack of mobility meant it could not participate in 's counteroffensive of 21 January which rolled back much of the 's gains. /end-of-thread @histodons

#operationcrusader #rommel #britisharmy #histodons

Last updated 2 years ago

The Crusader Project · @crusaderproject
106 followers · 103 posts · Server

Giving this thing a whirl. The aim is to crosspost and share information on during the , which was in the final throes of preparation this time in 1941, 81 years ago.

#operationcrusader #desertwar

Last updated 2 years ago