Alameda’s guaranteed income pilot program, Rise Up Alameda, will begin accepting applications for eligible households at 9 a.m. on Friday, September 8. The new program will provide 150 randomly selected low-income households with $1,000 per month for 24 months.
#alameda #AlamedaFreeLibrary #AlamedaPointCollaborative #AreaMedianIncome #GuaranteedBasicIncome #MastickSeniorCenter #OperationDignity #RiseUpAlameda
#alameda #alamedafreelibrary #alamedapointcollaborative #areamedianincome #guaranteedbasicincome #mastickseniorcenter #operationdignity #riseupalameda
City Council gives the green light to a revamped Grand Street design which now includes a separated, two-way bikeway from Shore Line Drive to Clement Avenue. Karin K. Jensen also reports that both the RESHAP and West Midway housing projects are moving forward.
#biking #reshap #alameda #CityCouncil #GrandStreet #AlamedaPoint #HousingElement #OperationDignity #AffordableHousing #WestMidwayProject #ActiveTransportationPlan #LowStressBackboneNetwork
#biking #reshap #alameda #citycouncil #grandstreet #alamedapoint #housingelement #operationdignity #affordablehousing #westmidwayproject #activetransportationplan #lowstressbackbonenetwork
Immanuel Lutheran Church welcomes Reverend Crystal Larsen Stewart in a special service at 10 a.m. on July 2, with reception and coffee hour to follow. All are welcome to attend.
#alameda #DineAndConnect #AlamedaFoodBank #OperationDignity #ImmanuelLutheranChurch #AlamedaAllFaithsCoalition #BuildingFuturesWithWomenAndChildren
#alameda #dineandconnect #alamedafoodbank #operationdignity #immanuellutheranchurch #alamedaallfaithscoalition #buildingfutureswithwomenandchildren