joe•iuculano :mastodon: · @iuculano
529 followers · 14998 posts · Server

Remembering D-day...

The landings were the landing operations and associated airborne operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the invasion of Normandy in during . Codenamed and often referred to as D-Day, it was the largest seaborne invasion in .

#normandy #allied #operationoverlord #worldwarll #operationneptune #history #dday

Last updated 1 year ago

Jimi Lend · @huanlupo
170 followers · 405 posts · Server

Heute vor 81 Jahren sind alliierte Truppen in der Normandie gelandet und haben begonnen Europa auch von Westen her von den Nazis zu befreien.

Die Historiographen der haben zu diesem Zweck einen eigenen Youtubekanal ins Leben gerufen auf dem sie 24h von dieser berichten.

Eine geschichtsdokumentarische Extravaganza der Spitzenklasse.

Watch here:

#dday #timeghostarmy #operationneptune #worldwartwo #weekbyweek

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric Bednarz · @besenwagen
258 followers · 444 posts · Server

Whenever some voluntary or professional spokesman tells oppressed folks to be "reasonable, civil and balanced" in their actions, I try to imagine as a single file queue of elderly, bespectacled philosopers, anthropologists and sociolinguists armed with clipboards, questionaires and fountain pens on their way from the beach to .

#establishment #operationneptune #paris #activism #capitalism #colonialism #discrimination #oppression

Last updated 2 years ago