Remembering D-day...
The #Normandy landings were the landing operations and associated airborne operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the #Allied invasion of Normandy in #OperationOverlord during #WorldWarll. Codenamed #OperationNeptune and often referred to as D-Day, it was the largest seaborne invasion in #history.
#normandy #allied #operationoverlord #worldwarll #operationneptune #history #dday
Heute vor 81 Jahren sind alliierte Truppen in der Normandie gelandet und haben begonnen Europa auch von Westen her von den Nazis zu befreien. #dday
Die Historiographen der #TimeGhostArmy haben zu diesem Zweck einen eigenen Youtubekanal ins Leben gerufen auf dem sie 24h von dieser #OperationNeptune berichten.
Eine geschichtsdokumentarische Extravaganza der Spitzenklasse.
Watch here:
#dday #timeghostarmy #operationneptune #worldwartwo #weekbyweek
Whenever some voluntary or professional #establishment spokesman tells oppressed folks to be "reasonable, civil and balanced" in their actions, I try to imagine #OperationNeptune as a single file queue of elderly, bespectacled philosopers, anthropologists and sociolinguists armed with clipboards, questionaires and fountain pens on their way from the beach to #Paris.
#activism #capitalism #colonialism #discrimination #oppression
#establishment #operationneptune #paris #activism #capitalism #colonialism #discrimination #oppression