Great presentation right now by @archivist_Liz by the work they did together with @MediaArea on LeaveSD for AV migration. I can only second Elizabeth's praise and awe for the work that @JeromeM does. if you're ever looking for a dev partner for AV - MediaArea should be your number 1 go-to!
Just found out that the new Dutch funded OPF product ViPER (Virtual research environment) is named after the BSG Colonial Vipers. I'm 100% sold! It's an easy-to-install virutal machine running with popular open source preservation tools with GUIs like DROID, HandBrake, JHOVE, ....
you can find the current dev state of the OPF ODF spreadsheet validator on github - check it out for yourself here:
Asbjørn Skødt is presenting the current status of the OPF spreadsheet validator. CSV and static image formats are only rudimentarily supported currently.
The specification is avail on github: