📢 The Origin Private File System (OPFS) is a cross-browser solution for your performance-critical, file-based storage needs on the Web! @chrisdavidmills has documented everything you need to know about the API over on MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_System_API/Origin_private_file_system.
💡 This is what powers Photoshop (https://developer.chrome.com/blog/how-photoshop-solved-working-with-files-larger-than-can-fit-into-memory/) and SQLite Wasm (https://developer.chrome.com/blog/sqlite-wasm-in-the-browser-backed-by-the-origin-private-file-system/).
#️⃣ #OPFS #ProjectFugu 🐡
***#Link* | Understanding OPFS**
Storage in web apps can be a real pain, but nearly every year the possibilities expand. Thomas Steiner (@tomayac), from the Chrome Dev Team, highlights the latest expansion in detail: the **Origin Private File System**, which allows to handle complete file structures on the web.
🥳 It’s happening: the Intent to Deprecate and Remove for Web SQL has been sent: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/fWYb6evVA-w/m/pziWcvboAgAJ; read more about our plans on the blog: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/deprecating-web-sql.
Together with the SQLite team, we’ve prepared a replacement for Web SQL based on SQLite Wasm backed by the origin private file system (OPFS): https://developer.chrome.com/blog/sqlite-wasm-in-the-browser-backed-by-the-origin-private-file-system/.
There’s also a Web SQL 🔜 SQLite Wasm migration guide: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/from-web-sql-to-sqlite-wasm/.
#️⃣ Hashtags: #SQLite #WebSQL #Wasm #WebAssembly #OPFS #ProjectFugu
#projectfugu #opfs #webassembly #wasm #websql #sqlite
📢The File System Standard adds an origin private file system (OPFS) 📂 as a storage endpoint private to the origin of a page providing optional access to a special kind of file 🗂️ that’s highly optimized for performance. My latest article has all facts! https://developer.chrome.com/articles/origin-private-file-system/ #OPFS #ProjectFugu
RT @tomayac
🎒 From Web SQL to SQLite Wasm—the database migration guide: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/from-web-sql-to-sqlite-wasm/
With SQLite Wasm backed by the Origin Private File System (#OPFS), there's a replacement for the deprecated W…
:undefined: From Web SQL to SQLite Wasm—the database migration guide: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/from-web-sql-to-sqlite-wasm/
With SQLite Wasm backed by the Origin Private File System (#OPFS), there's a replacement for the deprecated Web SQL. My latest article guides you when migrating your data from Web SQL to #SQLite Wasm.
@reillyeon @tomayac
Are you referring to this issue: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1240056 resp. this design document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c7skisDoRLfmoOE6hgv6crz8XO5mGTnA2yBEs6O22mQ ?
#webdev #chromium #quota #opfs
@tomayac Just finished watching the recording of the Fugu Chat from BlinkOn 17. I particularly enjoyed the very last remark by Ben Morss: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=5Yzd3nCvIAM&t=27m25s
He refers to the recent beta release of sqlite3 WebAssembly which enables to create AND persist a sqlite database in your browser: https://sqlite.org/releaselog/3_40_0.html
For persisting the database they are using a (theoretically) unlimited 👀 browser-side storage (OPFS): https://webkit.org/blog/12257/the-file-system-access-api-with-origin-private-file-system/
#projectfugu #sqlite #sqlite3 #webdev #opfs #fugu