RT @aka_Gb@twitter.com

They will hate love, because love sets you free.

❤ George Orwell ❤

#oplove #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @aka_Gb@twitter.com

“Io la vita l’ho goduta perché mi piace anche l’inferno della vita e la vita è spesso un inferno.
Per me la vita è stata bella perché l’ho pagata cara.”

❤ Alda Merini 🖤

#oplove #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

Vox Populi · @VoxPopuli
6 followers · 1467 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
Klaus D. aus B. · @kdhberlin_
23 followers · 4636 posts · Server berlin.social

RT @HaliaV4non@twitter.com

When people lose their morality, they cannot differentiate between good and evil...
Stand for children.
Happy day ❤️🎄

🐦🔗: twitter.com/HaliaV4non/status/

#opchildsafety #oplove

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @aka_Gb@twitter.com

Gli amori impossibili non finiscono mai, sono quelli che durano per sempre.

Impossible loves never end, they are the ones that last forever.

(Ferzan Özpetek)

#quote #oplove #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @aka_Gb@twitter.com

Se leggi questi versi, dimentica la mano che li scrisse: t’amo a tal punto che non vorrei restar nei tuoi dolci pensieri, se il pensare a me ti facesse soffrire.

~ William Shakespeare ~

#oplove #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @aka_Gb@twitter.com

Good and evil, sin and innocence, cross the world holding hands. Closing your eyes in front of half of life to live in peace is like blinding yourself to walk more safely in a wasteland strewn with ravines and precipices.
Oscar Wilde ❤️ 🖤

#quote #oplove #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @aka_Gb@twitter.com

They tried to bury me without realizing I was a seed.
Ils ont essayé de m'enterrer sans se rendre compte que j'étais une graine.
Intentaron enterrarme sin darse cuenta de que era una semilla.

#oplove #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @aka_Gb@twitter.com

Non dirmi che sarà per sempre.Dimmi semplicemente A domani. Ma dimmelo per sempre
Don't tell me it will be forever. Just tell me See you tomorrow. But tell me forever
Ne me dis pas que ce sera pour toujours, dis-moi juste A demain. Mais dis-moi pour toujours

#oplove #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @aka_Gb@twitter.com

Rendi cosciente l’inconscio, altrimenti sarà l’inconscio a guidare la tua vita e tu lo chiamerai destino.

Make the unconscious conscious, otherwise the unconscious will guide your life and you will call it destiny.

(Carl Gustav Jung)

#quote #oplove #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

"Throw out of the collective"Since when are there leaders in ? Since when did Anonymous enshrine these 4 bullies rules?This is one of many chats people are sending to all of us.Threats,accusations,lies,bullying.Is this what Anonymous has become?We are not Anonymous but people decide for the collective,Not these unsuspecting cyberbullies. And then they are the first to threaten defenseless women?Silence is an accomplice, I hope you open your eyes

#opnomorealone #oplove #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

Cyb3ric · @Belganon
70 followers · 553 posts · Server mastodon.social

Les températures commencent à descendre. Nous pensons à ceux qui auront froid

#opsafewinter #ophomeless #oplove #anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @aka_Gb@twitter.com

Ho passato il momento più difficile da solo mentre tutti credevano che stessi bene.

J'ai passé le moment le plus dur seul alors que tout le monde croyait que j'allais bien.

Pasé el momento más duro solo mientras todos creían que estaba bien.

#mentalhealth #oplove #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @aka_Gb@twitter.com

La vita sceglie la musica, noi scegliamo come
Life chooses music, we choose how
dance it.
La vida elige la música, nosotros elegimos cómo

#oplove #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @aka_Gb@twitter.com

Why do women say they can tell from the first kiss if a man is right but fail to understand from the first slap that he is wrong?

#oplove #anonymiss #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @aka_Gb@twitter.com

We reach each other as often as we can, during the day a few words are enough to be close ... and then the night arrives and since you are the dream I love most ...
You are waiting for me there too.

#oplove #Anonymous

Last updated 2 years ago

Vox Populi · @VoxPopuli
6 followers · 1242 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

In life, you need to have three things.

The humility of not feeling superior to others.

The courage to face any situation.

The wisdom to be silent in the face of stupidity!

We are Anonymous !

#OpWorld #anonfamily #AnonUnity #oplove #humanity

Last updated 3 years ago