It just keeps getting more venal - The conservative campaign to #rewrite #childlabor #laws
The Foundation for Government Accountability, a #Floridabased #thinktank and #lobbyinggroup, #drafted #statelegislation to strip #childworkplace #protections, emails show link to full text free #HumanTrafficking #ChildLabor #FGA #OpportunitySolutionsProject #LeoLeonard Making it easier to #hire #14-yearolds
#rewrite #childlabor #laws #floridabased #thinktank #lobbyinggroup #drafted #statelegislation #childworkplace #protections #humantrafficking #fga #opportunitysolutionsproject #leoleonard #hire
Iowa's pro-starvation law was authored by a conservative dark-money "think tank" based in Florida: the #OpportunitySolutionsProject, the lobbying arm of #FoundationForGovernmentAccountability, run by #TarrenBragdon, a Maine politician with a knack for getting money from the #KochNetwork and the #DeVos family for projects that punish, humiliate and kill marginalized people. The Iowa bill mirrors provisions passed in #KY, #KS, #WI and elsewhere - and goes beyond them.
#opportunitysolutionsproject #FoundationforGovernmentAccountability #tarrenbragdon #kochnetwork #devos #ky #ks #wi