Patuxent Research Refuge – North Tract, Laurel, MD, 2022-12-14
We ran into an opossum at the refuge. I thought it was cute, but my friend does not agree with me due to the fact that apparently they are a nuisance around near her house. I am not saying that I want it for a pet. :-)
#PhotoJournal #Maryland #MD #Opposum #PatuxentResearchRefuge-NorthTract
#PhotoJournal #maryland #md #opposum #patuxentresearchrefuge
We had a visitor last night:
Opossum with a 🥝 doodle for a new cut paper diorama design. Experiments with hands a feet on different layers. #doodles #opposum #paperdiorama
#doodles #opposum #paperdiorama
snowboarding opposum...
snowboarding opposum...