IAmDavid · @IAmDavid
25 followers · 529 posts · Server mastodon.world
Paolo Redaelli · @paoloredaelli
255 followers · 4882 posts · Server mastodon.uno

This is a staple, classical ingredient of any
It has so many bad, evil ways to abuse that dims any good willed usage.

#distopian #oppressiveregime

Last updated 2 years ago

IAmDavid · @IAmDavid
15 followers · 163 posts · Server mastodon.world

Well that’s Bali off the holiday list. What an outrage! ‘A little nerve-racking’: worry and scepticism in Bali over ban on sex outside marriage theguardian.com/world/2022/dec

#baliboycot #ReligiousFreedom #oppressiveregime

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world

@Wonky 🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, let’s not forget another big issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)


#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world

🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, let’s not forget another big issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's primary guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)


#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world


🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, let’s not forget another big issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's primary guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)


#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world


🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, let’s not forget another big issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's primary guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)


#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world


🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, let’s not forget another big issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's primary guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)


#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

Alison Hennig · @ahen
0 followers · 1 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

🌈 all the way ❤️
Also, please don’t forget another very important issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's primary guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)

#onelove #women #Qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #WomenRights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world


🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, let’s not forget another big issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)

#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world


🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, let’s not forget another big issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's primary guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)


#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world


🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, let’s not forget another big issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's primary guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)


#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world

@klarabow @krishgm

🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, let’s not forget another big issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)


#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world

@grantdenkinson 🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, let’s not forget another big issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's primary guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)

#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world


🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, let’s not forget another big issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's primary guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)


#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world


🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, let’s not forget another big issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's primary guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)


#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexaInTheWoods · @AlexaInTheWoods
215 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world

🌈 all the way ❤️

Also, please don’t forget another very important issue, that “ in must obtain from their guardians to , abroad on government scholarships, in many government jobs, abroad until certain ages, receive some forms of reproductive health care and to act as a child's primary guardian, even when they are divorced” (thanks @Wikipedia)


#onelove #women #qatar #permission #male #marry #study #work #travel #worldcup #womenrights #fifa #oppressiveregime #football #iran #humanrights #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago