Romaday Parade 2023
#OpreRoma #OpreRomnja
#8april #Berlin #Berlinstreets #Mittestreets #Strßenmitte #sw #bw #blackandwhitephotography Berlin 08.04.2023
#RomaDay #romaday2023 #opreroma #opreromnja #act4romalives #52ndromaday #8april #berlin #berlinstreets #Mittestreets #strßenmitte #sw #bw #blackandwhitephotography
Romaday Parade 2023
#OpreRoma #OpreRomnja
#8april #Berlin #Berlinstreets #Mittestreets #Strßenmitte #sw #bw #blackandwhitephotography Berlin 08.04.2023
#romaday #romaday2023 #opreroma #opreromnja #act4romalives #52ndromaday #8april #berlin #berlinstreets #mittestreets #strßenmitte #sw #bw #blackandwhitephotography
Feliç Dia Internacional del poble gitano ❤️
Des de l'orgull d'una Barcelona diversa, estarem sempre al costat en la lluita per les llibertats, el reconeixement de drets i contra l'antigitanisme i el racisme.
Sempre, #OpreRoma
Call for #Romani volunteers
Discover Summer Academy – International summer school in #Slovakia
Another #Roma killed in the #Europe "garden." Shot in the head by police. Not an isolated case in #Greece nor Europe. The highest punishment for the police officer is a must, but far from enough. This is a practice, not incident.#OpreRoma #standupRoma
#roma #europe #greece #opreroma #standuproma
Sono sempre i #ValoriOccidentali che trionfano!!
Another #Roma killed in the #Europe "garden." Shot in the head by police. Not an isolated case in #Greece nor Europe. The highest punishment for the police officer is a must, but far from enough. This is a practice, not incident.#OpreRoma #standupRoma
#standupRoma #opreroma #greece #europe #roma #valorioccidentali
I'm pleased to see research from the Royal (Dick) School of Vet Studies that finds horses belonging to Gypsies and Travellers have good welfare. "These results, from the first study of its kind, show that Traveller and Gypsy-owned horses are well cared for and enjoy good health and welfare. This is a positive outcome and a significant step in increasing awareness of the true extent of horse welfare concerns in Traveller and Gypsy-owned horses."