Any of you fedi wizards that know of good account to follow to learn more about #cybersecurity, #infosec, #opsec etc? I'd follow the tags, but I've often found that following big tags drowns my entire feed in one topic
#opsec #InfoSec #CyberSecurity
@skykiss Listed as a 'Private Owner' so nothing to see here! 😜 #DemocraciesVsAutocracies 🇹🇼 #OPSEC
#democraciesvsautocracies #opsec
Taka rada #OpSec ode mnie kochani.
Tak, jak wrzucanie fotę to ona jest zestripowana z EXIF.
*Ale* wasz admin dostaje fotę z EXIF, więc jak nie wyczyściliście przed Uploadem to admin wie, gdzie mieszkacie, geolokacje.
Ten admin może się zmienić.
Ten admin może być kraftowy i mieć dziurawy serwer, gdzie zdalnie inni sobie podejrzą.
Ten admin może zostać odwiedzony przez ABW kolegi zazdrosnego kochanka.
Stripujecie foty *przed* wgraniem na cudzy serwer jak chcecie minimalizować ww. sprawy.
@sqrt2 the only winning move is not to use #Microsoft Products like #Windows!
#AllGAFAMsAreBad #AllGAFAMsAreEvil #PRISM #ITsec #InfoSec #OpSec #ComSec
#comsec #opsec #InfoSec #ITSec #prism #allgafamsareevil #allgafamsarebad #Windows #Microsoft
@geist Sorry, aber dass Microsoft nicht wegen illegaler Agententätigkeit für einen ausländischen Geheimdienst zwangsweise geschlossen und des Landes verwiesen wurde sagt doch alles über die lachhafte #ITsec, #InfoSec, #OpSec & #ComSec der Bundesregierungen aus...
#comsec #opsec #InfoSec #ITSec
@juliewebgirl @TechDesk Most Positions at SpaceX actually require a security clearance (Secret, minimum) and US Citizenship. I Could work there (Redmond Starlink) and obviously I won't... because "Crazy Pants Elmo".
H1B's are fine for PARTS of Microsoft or Amazon, except some divisions. And yet, here we are.
Sloppy mofos with zero concept of #OpSec.
@enigmatico At least #Microsoft works hard to increase #AttackVectors for #Azure / #Office365 / #OfficeOnline...
But hey, whoever uses that shit has basically given up on #ITsec, #InfoSec, #OpSec & #ComSec anyway and naively believes that jst because "everydoy else does it too" it won't bite them in the ass once @noybeu is done with the #GAFAMs...
#gafams #comsec #opsec #InfoSec #ITSec #officeonline #office365 #azure #attackvectors #Microsoft
Und die Eismaschiene auch im Wartungsmodus 🙃
Nachdem das Personal viermal den PIN Code vor meiner Nase eintippt (#Opsec ) kann das Teil aufgefüllt und wieder aktiviert werden
Yummy 🤤
Was lernen wir daraus?
1. Sei kein ekelhaftes Arschloch (also #JulianReichelt)!
2. Wer #Anonymität um jeden Preis will, sollte #InfoSec, #OpSec, #ComSec & #ITsec praktizieren.
3. #Medien können nur dann die eigenen #Quellen (zwangsweise) offenlegen wenn diese identifizierende Informationen hat.
4. #Quellenschutz muss trotzdem gestärkt werden!
#Quellenschutz #quellen #Medien #ITSec #comsec #opsec #InfoSec #anonymitat #julianreichelt
L'importance d'utiliser des applications de messagerie avec #chiffrement de bout en bout, lesquelles utiliser et pourquoi.
@Em0nM4stodon a réalisé une comparaison de Threema, Signal, WhatsApp et iMessage. Et vous, quelles messageries utilisez-vous ?
#chiffrement #privacy #security #privacymatters #opsec
@sec_yote_agenda yeah, that's very sad and I sincerely hope this doesn't happen to anyone - whether they just wasted time waiting or even took money and ran...
Granted I'm more used in #IT and espechally #ITsec, #InfoSec, #OpSec and #ComSec where a minor fuckup will ruin decades of reputation-building in seconds and it's more or less impossible to recover from that...
So it's quite the opposite...
So #Escrow seems more than reasonable to enshure people ain't paying and/or working for nothing.
#escrow #comsec #opsec #InfoSec #ITSec #IT
📣 New episode
We spoke with our #fediverse correspondent about the #Kolektiva breach and what anarchists might learn from it, Mastodon #OPSEC, and the growing disillusionment with corporate social media platforms.
OooOk Fediverse,
what's the best way to follow #defcon from afar if you don't have a Twitter account. Who to follow on Fediverse. Is there great blogs? Perhaps livestreams on YouTube or twitch?
Please retoot! 🥳
#askfedi #askfedivers #askmsatodon #infosec #opsec #itsec #redteam #blueteam
#defcon #askfedi #askfedivers #askmsatodon #infosec #opsec #itsec #redteam #blueteam
@thegrugq yesterday I was rewatching this talk of yours
Crazy it's been 10yrs since then. Have you done a new updated talk on #OpSec ? Cheers
「 #OPSEC の失策後のJumpCloud #ハッキング で #北朝鮮 の国民国家関係者が暴露される 」: The Hacker News
「北朝鮮の攻撃者がこのラストホップ( #商用VPN )を利用しなかったり、被害者のネットワーク上で操作を行う際に誤ってこれを利用しなかったりすることが何度もあった」
#opsec #ハッキング #北朝鮮 #商用vpn #prattohome #thehackernews