Nuclear-27 We are already carrying out actions against Japan.#FukushimaWaterRelease ☢️🇯🇵#OpFukushima #OpJapan #OpTEPCO #BoycottJapan
#boycottjapan #optepco #OpJapan #OpFukushima #fukushimawaterrelease
#Fukushima : Japan releases nuclear wastewater into Pacific Ocean - BBC News #FukushimaWaterRelease ☢️🇯🇵#OpFukushima #OpJapan #OpTEPCO #BoycottJapan
#boycottjapan #optepco #OpJapan #OpFukushima #fukushimawaterrelease #Fukushima
Watch again: Protesters rally in Seoul over Japan's Fukushima water release #FukushimaWaterRelease #OpTEPCO #OpFukushima
#OpFukushima #optepco #fukushimawaterrelease
"wastewater from the #Fukushima nuclear power plant will spread through the northern waters of Australia and reach the Indian Ocean after a period of 2400 days, China Economic Net (CEN)" #PacificOcean #fisheries #OpJapan #OpFukushima #OpTEPCO
#optepco #OpFukushima #OpJapan #fisheries #pacificocean #Fukushima
2011: "#TEPCO's involvement with anti-social forces and their inability to filter them out of the work-place is a national security issue," ~ Japanese Senator with the Liberal Democratic Party #Fukushima #Yakuza #FukushimaWater☢️🇯🇵 #OpTEPCO #OpFukushima
#OpFukushima #optepco #FukushimaWater #yakuza #Fukushima #TEPCO
Despite the objections of other countries, the Japanese government and #TEPCO will deny scientific data, spread false information, and dump radioactively contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean on the afternoon of August 24th.#FukushimaWater☢️🇯🇵#OpTEPCO #OpFukushima
#Anonymous #汚染水の海洋放出に反対します
#汚染水の海洋放出に反対します #Anonymous #OpFukushima #optepco #FukushimaWater #TEPCO
House of Representatives, Japan
www. shugiin. go. jp
Offline ☢️ ☢️
#FukushimaWater ☢️
#FukushimaWater #OpFukushima #OpJapan #optepco #Anonymous #tangodown
Hong Kong will impose new controls on food imports from #Japan in response to a contentious plan to begin releasing treated wastewater from the wrecked #Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean
#OpTEPCO #OpJapan #OpFukushima #Anonymous
#Anonymous #OpFukushima #OpJapan #optepco #Fukushima #Japan
We have no right to treat the habitat of other animals as our garbage can. Releasing 1.3 million tons of radioactive water from #Fukushima is just the latest example. Our wanton destruction needs to stop. Poisoning the planet #OpTEPCO #OpJapan #OpFukushima #Anonymous
#Anonymous #OpFukushima #OpJapan #optepco #Fukushima
#Fukushima: Ab Donnerstag will die japanische Regierung jetzt also Wasser aus dem havarierten #AKW ins Meer verklappen. Dabei geht die Katastrophe noch immer weiter. Täglich wird weiteres Wasser verstrahlt, die Reaktorkerne sind noch immer unzugänglich
#OpTEPCO #OpJapan #OpFukushima #Anonymous
#Anonymous #OpFukushima #OpJapan #optepco #akw #Fukushima
#Japan beginnt diese Woche radioaktiv verseuchtes Wasser aus dem havarierten #AKW #Fukushima in den Ozean zu leiten - und entledigt sich so der Verantwortung für die Folgen der Atomkatastrophe. Das Kühlwasser muss kontrolliert aufbewahrt bleiben!
#OpTEPCO #OpJapan #OpFukushima #Anonymous
#Anonymous #OpFukushima #OpJapan #optepco #Fukushima #akw #Japan
Signing of an emergency petition against the ocean dumping of radioactively contaminated water from the #Fukushima nuclear accident. 🇯🇵☢️ #OpTEPCO #OpJapan #OpFukushima #Anonymous
It is the government and TEPCO that are spreading the harmful rumors about Fukushima.
#汚染水の海洋放出に反対します #Anonymous #OpFukushima #OpJapan #optepco #Fukushima
#Japan's governing political parties, the Liberal Democratic Party and #TEPCO, ignored the opposition of those involved in the fishing industry and arbitrarily decided to dump radioactive water into the ocean, just like the dictatorship of the Nazis. #OpJapan #OpFukushima #OpTEPCO
#optepco #OpFukushima #OpJapan #TEPCO #Japan
⚡️ icnc2023[.]jaea[.]go[.]jp
Presentazione web di ICNC2023, 12a Conferenza Internazionale sulla Sicurezza della Criticità Nucleare
Protesta per scaricare le acque reflue #RADIOATTIVE di Fukushima nel Pacifico #SavePacific
⚡️ icnc2023[.]jaea[.]go[.]jp web presentation of ICNC2023, The 12th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety
Protest to dumping Fukushima's #RADIOACTIVE wastewater into Pacific #SavePacific
🗡 #TangoDown for #OpFukushima
#radioattive #savepacific #radioactive #tangodown #OpFukushima #オプフクシマ #optepco #OpJapan #Anonymous
#Fukushima nuclear disaster: Activists march against Tokyo's waste plan #OpFukushima #OpTEPCO
#genpatsu #PacificOcean
#pacificocean #genpatsu #optepco #OpFukushima #Fukushima
Japanese government has decided to dump untreated radioactive water from the #Fukushima nuclear accident into the ocean. By the end of August, tritium-contaminated water containing 1.3 million tons of radioactive waste is expected to flow into the ocean.☢️
#OpFukushima #OpTEPCO
【#署名活動 #キャンペーン #petition】in progress🚩
Tell the Japanese government: don’t dump nuclear waste into the ocean!
259,525 signatures 20:32
#petition #キャンペーン #署名活動 #optepco #OpFukushima #Fukushima
#Japan "Fukushima water discharge plan brings out concerned moms"
#OpFukushima #OpTEPCO
#genpatsu #PacificOcean #fisheries #seafood #surf #children #health #security #risk
#risk #Security #Health #children #surf #seafood #fisheries #pacificocean #genpatsu #optepco #OpFukushima #Japan
Anonymous Hacker collective Attacks Japanese Nuclear Website Over #Fukushima Water Release Plan: #Anonymous has launched a cyberattack against Japanese nuclear-related groups in protest of plans to release untreated contaminated water #OpFukushima #OpTEPCO
#optepco #OpFukushima #Anonymous #Fukushima
The hacker collective Anonymous has launched cyberattacks against nuclear power-linked groups in Japan as part of an operation called #OpFukushima. The campaign was launched to protest against the Government’s plan to release the treated radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea.
#OpJapan #OpTEPCO
#optepco #OpJapan #OpFukushima