#MooresLaw #GordonMoore
RIP Gordan Moore
Looks like your "law" will continue to be "Prescient" for some time to come:
#mooreslaw #gordonmoore #moore #opticalcomputing
"Optical transformers". Anderson et al. 2023 https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.10360
"we performed small-scale optical experiments with a prototype accelerator to demonstrate that Transformer operations can run on optical hardware despite noise and errors."
Claims possible energy efficiency advantage of 8,000x over conventional GPUs, with room for more.
#machinelearning #opticalcomputing #transformers
In the Economist Dec 20 article “Enlightened Computing” (more than likely paywalled) It discusses #photonics data processing #opticalcomputing especially how it could apply to linear algebra in relation to #artificialintelliegence
Totally fascinating to me because it is the first time that I have heard/read about this.
I’ll be hunting for open sources of this tech to share, however right now I’m working and don’t have time.
If you’re aware of any books/articles I’d appreciate any links.
#photonics #opticalcomputing #artificialintelliegence
I am a guest editor for a special issue of "Recent Advances in Optical Computing" in Photonics journal. We invite contributions under topics from application of optical computers to theoretical analysis for optical computing. Welcome to your contribution! https://www.mdpi.com/journal/photonics/special_issues/KOXRFN597X #opticalcomputing #photoniccomputing #photonics
#photonics #photoniccomputing #opticalcomputing
“The speed record for data transmission using a single light source and optical chip has been shattered once again. Engineers have transmitted data at a blistering rate of 1.84 petabits per second (Pbit/s), almost twice the global internet traffic per second.” https://newatlas.com/telecommunications/optical-chip-fastest-data-transmission-record-entire-internet-traffic/ #tech #technology #internet #broadband #data #bandwidth #opticalcomputing #datatransmission #opticalchip
#opticalchip #datatransmission #opticalcomputing #bandwidth #data #broadband #internet #technology #tech
@virginiaheffernan The trend of exponential development in info production and organization has been consistent thru five computing paradigms, and is evident in multiple digital tech streams. The log-log trend extends from the Big Bang https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ParadigmShiftsFrr15Events.svg #quantumcomputing #3Dtransistors #dnacomputing #memristors #EvolutionaryComputing #opticalcomputing #graphene
#graphene #opticalcomputing #EvolutionaryComputing #memristors #dnacomputing #3dtransistors #quantumcomputing