Some more #AtmosphericOptics from #Oxfordshire on 17th July 2023. We had a nice #22DegreeHalo and really bright #parhelia (#sundogs) which had a bit of a #ParhelicCircle tail. I always love getting aircraft flying near sundogs! #OpticalEffects #IceCrystals #Haloes
#atmosphericoptics #Oxfordshire #22degreehalo #parhelia #sundogs #parheliccircle #opticaleffects #icecrystals #haloes
On 17th July '23 I saw the best #CircumzenithalArc I've ever seen! There was also a faint hint of a #SupralateralArc which showed up on colour subtracted images. The 1st image has the top of a #22DegreeHalo. Taken from #NorthOxfordshire #AtmosphericOptics #OpticalEffects
#circumzenithalarc #supralateralarc #22degreehalo #northoxfordshire #atmosphericoptics #opticaleffects
Small fragment of a #CircumhorizonArc from #Oxfordshire, UK on Friday 23rd June '23. The Sun has to be higher than 58 degrees for these to form so we don't get many opportunities from the UK. I sat outside for the entire 90mins the Sun was high enough hoping to catch this. The heat was brutal, but I'm so happy even to have caught a fragment! It's only the 2nd time I've photographed one from the UK. #AtmosphericOptics #OpticalEffects
#circumhorizonarc #Oxfordshire #atmosphericoptics #opticaleffects
#22DegreeHalo, #9DegreeHalo + #UpperTangent arc forming a partial #CircumscribedHalo Friday 23rd June '23 from #Oxfordshire, UK. #Canon1100D + 10-18mm lens. Colour subtracted images show the detail #AtmosphericOptics #OpticalEffects
#22degreehalo #9degreehalo #uppertangent #circumscribedhalo #Oxfordshire #canon1100d #atmosphericoptics #opticaleffects
#UpperTangentArc (with aircraft flying through it!) Photos taken on 8th April 2023 from Oxfordshire, UK. UTAs are caused by refraction of sunlight through ice crystals #AtmosphericOptics #OpticalEffects
#uppertangentarc #atmosphericoptics #opticaleffects
Faint left side #parasalene (#moondog) 18:26 UT 5th Feb '23, from Oxfordshire, UK. Photo taken with a Canon 1100D + 10-18mm lens. It's been a while since I've seen a moondog so I was really happy to see this one #AtmosphericOptics #OpticalEffects
#parasalene #moondog #atmosphericoptics #opticaleffects
Beautiful #22DegreeHalo visible from Oxfordshire at 12:15 UT 5th February 2023. Photo taken with a Canon 1100D with Canon 10-18mm lens #AtmosphericOptics #OpticalEffects #IceHalo
#22degreehalo #atmosphericoptics #opticaleffects #icehalo
Beautifully bright left side #parhelion (#sundog) seen at 9:35am on 2nd January 2023 from North Oxfordshire. Photo taken with a Fairphone 4 camera #AtmosphericOptics #OpticalEffects
#parhelion #sundog #atmosphericoptics #opticaleffects
It's quite #foggy again here in North #Oxfordshire tonight, so I have been playing at creating a #WinterSolstice artificial #fogbow, #glory and #BrockenSpectre. Photos taken with a Canon 1100D with 10-18mm wide angled lens. #AtmosphericOptics #OpticalPhenomena #OpticalEffects #Fog #FoggyNight
#Foggy #Oxfordshire #wintersolstice #FogBow #glory #brockenspectre #atmosphericoptics #opticalphenomena #opticaleffects #fog #foggynight