Hej, everyone! Just migrated here, so I figure it's #introduction time :)
I'm Alexander, a theoretical physics student at TU Berlin. Currently I'm finishing my master's thesis in computational physics at @QuControlBerlin on #Quantum #OptimalControl of superconducting #qubits, mainly looking at universal sets of gates on transmons coupled via a tunable bus.
So, mostly trying to get my #Fortran and #Python code to bend to my will...
#introduction #quantum #optimalcontrol #qubits #fortran #python
“(...) I switched to studying #mathematics at the university and went my way to diploma, #PhD, being a mother, a teacher, a developer of final exams in math, to leadership in the climate and sustainability working group.” - Ricki Rosendahl
➡️ https://hermathsstory.eu/ricki-rosendahl/
#Industry #ActuarialConsultant #OptimalControl #NonTraditionalPathways #WomenInMaths #WomenInSTEM #HerMathsStory
#hermathsstory #womeninstem #WomenInMaths #nontraditionalpathways #optimalcontrol #actuarialconsultant #industry #phd #mathematics
Just implemented something crazy, No clue how to make it converge or whether it's even feasible 😅
Env: Cartpole + continuous action space + image observation + Frame stacking
Policy: Use CNN encoded features and predicts the state, and weights of a LQR system (A, B, Q, R) with MLP -> solves the LQR over a horizon using differentiable convex optimization with constraint on actions, output is the first optimal action.
Loss: Policy gradient on rewards
#reinforcementlearning #optimalcontrol
#introduction I'm Michael Goerz, a computational physicist working on #quantum #optimalcontrol. Initially, in the context of #quantumcomputing in open quantum systems (Rydberg atoms, ions, superconducting qubits), current applications tend towards robust #quantumsensing. Most of my time is spent developing methods and software. I have a long background in #Fortran and #Python. My primary language today is #julialang, working on the QuantumControl.jl package.
#introduction #quantum #optimalcontrol #quantumcomputing #QuantumSensing #fortran #python #julialang