A DNN Optimizer that Improves over AdaBelief by Suppression of the Adaptive Stepsize Range
Guoqiang Zhang, Kenta Niwa, W. Bastiaan Kleijn
Action editor: Rémi Flamary.
#optimizers #ImageNet #optimizer
Learning to Optimize Quasi-Newton Methods
#optimizers #optimizer #hessian
The release of today is Japplis Website Optimizer 4.0.
:java: #optimize #html #optimizer #minimizer #compacter
#optimize #html #optimizer #minimizer #compacter
A DNN Optimizer that Improves over AdaBelief by Suppression of the Adaptive Stepsize Range
#optimizers #ImageNet #optimizer
'Lower Bounds and Accelerated Algorithms for Bilevel Optimization', by Kaiyi ji, Yingbin Liang.
#optimizations #optimization #optimizer
#optimizations #optimization #optimizer
📬 Lesetipps: Der Tod eines Internet-Aktivisten und Forscher, denen ein Licht aufgeht
#Datenschutz #Gaming #Internet #Interviews #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Kurios #Lesetipps #Malware #PodcastsundVideos #RetroComputing #Streaming #AaronSwartz #ChatGPT #EFF #Interview #KIChatbot #LastPass #Lützerath #OnlinePrivatsphäre #Optimizer #PasswortManager #Phishing #Podcast #privacyguides #PrivacyTools #SveaEckert #ThreatWire #Tipps #Traktorstrahl #windows https://tarnkappe.info/lesetipps/lesetipps-der-tod-eines-internet-aktivisten-und-forscher-denen-ein-licht-aufgeht-263105.html
#windows #Traktorstrahl #tipps #threatwire #SveaEckert #privacytools #privacyguides #podcast #phishing #passwortmanager #optimizer #onlineprivatsphare #Lutzerath #lastpass #kichatbot #interview #eff #chatgpt #aaronswartz #streaming #retrocomputing #PodcastsundVideos #malware #lesetipps #kurios #kunstlicheintelligenz #interviews #internet #gaming #datenschutz
Our A Plague Tale: Requiem #review has been #updated with regards to the #new #patch that made the #game significantly more #compatible with the #SteamDeck.
New #graphical options and a #resolution #optimizer allows the game to hit 30 #FPS much more often, while sticking to 2.5 hours of battery.
While not perfect, this is definitely a welcome change and has made the game #playable on deck!
#review #updated #new #patch #game #compatible #SteamDeck #graphical #resolution #optimizer #fps #playable
Hiya! 👋👋Time for a proper #introduction!
I'm Mariah! I'm an #analytics #engineer on a data platform team at a #solarenergy tech company.
I'm an #optimizer and care a lot about data quality, developing #sharedlanguage around data, and driving #insights through context and analysis. I aspire to heal the environment with my handy dandy data toolbox and help drive adoption of renewable energy alternatives like #solar with data driven insights and optimization/streamlining of the industry.
I have a precious little pup that I adore (we have the same color hair he is my real son). I'm also self-converting a retired mini school bus into a tiny home on wheels, aka #skoolie, and I hope to travel in it full time one day!
Stick around to see me nerd out on #data topics, #skoolieconversion progress, DIY #offgrid solar and electrical, cute dog pics and #adhd ramblings!
#introduction #analytics #engineer #solarenergy #optimizer #sharedlanguage #insights #solar #skoolie #data #skoolieconversion #offgrid #adhd
A wild #blog post appears!
Let's study the #LLVM and #GCC optimizers around the question of increments and decrements and see how they differ. Then we can make a decision as to whether or not we want to teach those optimizations to our #QBE optimizer we've been working on.
#compile #compilers #optimizer #optimizers #compile #optimize #unix #c #programming #program #bsd #openbsd #freebsd #netbsd #dragonflybsd #linux #cproc
#blog #llvm #gcc #qbe #compile #compilers #optimizer #optimizers #optimize #unix #c #programming #program #bsd #openbsd #freebsd #netbsd #dragonflybsd #linux #cproc
A new #blog post appears!
Let's hand-optimize the TCC code generator.
#compiler #compilers #compile #compilation #optimize #optimizer #optimizers #C #unix #tcc #openbsd #freebsd #netbsd #dragonflybsd #bsd #linux
#blog #compiler #compilers #compile #compilation #optimize #optimizer #optimizers #c #unix #tcc #openbsd #freebsd #netbsd #dragonflybsd #bsd #linux
Time for a new #blog post!
We finish up our peephole optimizer, O, from the previous post. Now it's a completed framework that plugs into the cproc C compiler. So if we find that QBE is missing any more obvious optimizations, we can teach those optimizations to our peephole optimizer so we can benefit until QBE catches up.
#compiler #optimizer #compile #compilers #compilation #optimizers #optimization #c #unix #bsd #openbsd #freebsd #netbsd #dragonflybsd #linux
#blog #compiler #optimizer #compile #compilers #compilation #optimizers #optimization #c #unix #bsd #openbsd #freebsd #netbsd #dragonflybsd #linux
A wild #blog post appears!
I wrote a peephole optimizer for QBE. QBE missed a couple of easy optimization wins, so let's use it as an opportunity to learn how peephole optimizers work and write one of our own.
#compiler #compilers #compilation #compile #optimize #optimizer #optimizers #unix #openbsd #netbsd #freebsd #dragonflybsd #linux #c #cproc #qbe
#blog #compiler #compilers #compilation #compile #optimize #optimizer #optimizers #unix #openbsd #netbsd #freebsd #dragonflybsd #linux #c #cproc #qbe
📬Lesetipps: Antennen-Invasion, das PeerTube-Netzwerk, Amazon reviews📬 https://tarnkappe.info/lesetipps-antennen-invasion-das-peertube-netzwerk-amazon-reviews/ #ChristianWeinert #ContactGuard #Datenschutz #DanielKales #Chan-joJun #Lesetipps #Optimizer #PeerTube
#peertube #optimizer #lesetipps #chan #DanielKales #datenschutz #ContactGuard #ChristianWeinert