Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses 🙂
Est-elle toujours à vendre ? #option
As plugin developer, you should be aware of your used options in WordPress. Here’s a guide on why you should check them and verify whether they should auto-load.
#option #developer #plugin #wordpress
Als WordPress-Plugin-Entwickler:in solltest du dir über deine verwendeten Optionen im Klaren sein. Hier gibt es eine Anleitung darüber, warum du sie prüfen und sicherstellen sollst, ob sie automatisch geladen werden sollen.
#option #entwickler #plugin #wordpress
Pour #ouvrir encore plus #rapidement un #signet via les #commandes #rapides, cochez cette #option 👇
Comme cela, si vous avez mémorisé https://fr.vivaldi.net avec l'#alias vf dans vos signets, il vous suffira de presser les #touches F2, puis v puis f pour ouvrir ce signet.
#astuce #vivaldi #desktop #ouvrir #rapidement #signet #commandes #rapides #option #alias #touches
@hanspetermeyer @blissfulmun @thetyee @thenarwhal @Flipboard
A #correction - #Google, #Facebook et al are not "refusing to abide by our #laws". They are not in #violation of our laws.
We passed a law that says "If you #link to #Canadian #news #sites, you must #pay a link #tax".
So they have a choice: continue to link to Canadian news sites (and pay for the privilege), or stop linking to Canadian news sites. There is no #third #option.
We made them choose; don't be mad they made a choice.
#correction #google #facebook #laws #violation #link #canadian #news #sites #pay #Tax #third #option
Dassault Aviation enregistre une nouvelle tranche de la commande indonésienne de Rafale F4. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/08/actu/dassault-aviation-enregistre-une-nouvelle-tranche-de-la-commande-indonesienne-de-rafale-f4 — #dassaultaviation #commandedavions #constructeur #indonésie #lot #option #rafalef4
#dassaultaviation #commandedavions #constructeur #indonesie #lot #option #rafalef4
Thank the #flyingspaghettimonster it's #friday and thus the #weekend is ahead of us. But I see you are lamenting your lack of a #scifi #shortstory to #read ? You want it to be #free and with the #option to #tip the #author or discuss the #story here with him?
I got you covered, fam, no worries!
Check this out, and as always, #interaction makes you a #vip :
#vip #interaction #story #author #tip #option #free #read #shortstory #scifi #weekend #friday #flyingspaghettimonster
{Attempted #Golpe in #Russia} 20:15 . “At the moment, an absolutely profitable and acceptable #option for resolving the situation is on the table, with security #guarantees for the #Wagner #PMC #fighters,” the press service of the #Belarusian president said in a statement. Kommersant: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6067646?from=top_main_8 #politics #coup #emergency #WMD
#golpe #Russia #option #guarantees #wagner #PMC #fighters #Belarusian #politics #coup #emergency #wmd
#Waldbrände sind inzwischen so häufig, dass #GoogleMaps einen eigene #Option dafür eingeführt hat.
#option #googlemaps #waldbrande
A quotation from Rogers, Will:
You can’t beat an Administration by attacking it. You have to show some plan of improving on it.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #alternative #attack #criticism #improvement #option #plan #politics
#quote #quotes #quotation #alternative #Attack #criticism #improvement #option #plan #politics
#NetworkDesign Guide for Azure VMware Solution #AzureVmwareSolutions #DesignGuide
This open-source solution provides an architectural approach and reference implementation to prepare Azure landing zone subscriptions for a scalable Azure VMware Solution. We have received feedback from many of you that [...]
https://bit.ly/3N8AmYQ #Azure #Design #Solution #option #VMware
Source: Microsoft Tech Community ITOps Talk Blog
#networkdesign #azurevmwaresolutions #designguide #Azure #design #solution #option #VMware
⚽️⚜️ Der Griff nach der Traumfrau 🟦⬜️
Im dritten Matchballspiel will der SV #Darmstadt 98 den #Aufstieg endlich klarmachen. Trainer Lieberknecht schickt eine Spitze nach #Hamburg
👉 https://fr.de/sport/fussball/der-griff-nach-der-traumfrau-92286293.html
@sv98 #SVDFCM #Lilien #Bölle #Option #Uffstiech Vol. III #Heimspiel
#darmstadt #Aufstieg #hamburg #svdfcm #lilien #bolle #option #uffstiech #Heimspiel
#FeltBad #SinglePeople #LonelyAllTheTime #ImSingle #IDontFeelLonely #TakeCareOfYourself #Company #Option #NotANecessity #KeanuReeves #Quote #QuoteOfTheDay
#feltbad #singlepeople #lonelyallthetime #imsingle #idontfeellonely #takecareofyourself #company #option #notanecessity #keanureeves #quote #quoteoftheday
@andcomputers And I don't know anybody going "all #black folks should go on a #blackinstance." If you want more control over your #mastodon experience, your own #instance is one way to do it. That's an #option for you -- one you don't have anywhere else. It's not a damn mandate.
I'm not even saying that #mastodon culture doesn't need work. But you can only change people so much.
Most of us here don't want one person running the place. That's why this place exists in the first place.
#black #BlackInstance #mastodon #instance #option
Um die potenziellen extrem hohen #Kosten einer #Bankenkrise für die #Gesellschaft auf ein vertretbares Mass zu beschränken, ist die Erhöhung der Anforderung an das #Eigenkapital die einzige vernünftige #Option.
Alle anderen Lösungsansätze können das nicht sicherstellen
#kosten #bankenkrise #gesellschaft #eigenkapital #option #cs #ubs
"We find it extremely #funny how apparently the way #Transformers #writers solved the weird discrepancy between how many #male and #female #Cybertronians there are was to just go. "Hey, they're an #asexual #species anyways. What if they're all born with masc-leaning presentation, but once they came in contact with #aliens that have #sexual dimorphism, some of them were like 'Yoooooo #girl is an #option?????' and started going by #she." So every #femformer is canonically a #trans girl now."
"new #robot #genders just dropped: default, and Having Fun With It"
#funny #transformers #writers #male #female #cybertronians #asexual #species #aliens #sexual #girl #option #she #femformer #trans #robot #genders
Vous avez dû remarquer, si la barre d'#onglets et/ou le #menu, ne sont pas placés en #haut de la #fenêtre, que #Vivaldi 6.0 #Desktop masque désormais la barre de #titre par défaut.
Une #option permet de la restaurer si vous préférez.👇
#onglets #menu #haut #fenetre #vivaldi #desktop #titre #option