#RevengeIsADish: #BestServed with #Beer... And, an #Optional: #FancyHat | #SwervingSuggestion
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🎠🦹🍻🦄🍻🦹🎠
#revengeisadish #bestserved #beer #optional #fancyhat #swervingsuggestion
I'm at #UrgentCare and now I am #masked. Disturbingly #masking is only #optional.
#urgentcare #masked #masking #optional
But for some #reason, #management thinks it's appropriate to make employees use personal time to learn this stuff.
There are lots of #justifications given; maybe some upper management even believes some of them. None of them hold water.
"Oh, but they're #optional!"
So an employee who can't use the tool to the utmost because he didn't attend the "optional" training won't be held to account or compared to others who took the training? Unlikely.
#reason #management #justifications #optional
@beimwort Ich erwarte jetzt täglich die Liste der Gesetze, deren Befolgung die Regierung als #optional einstuft. Das Parlament brauchen wir ja offenbar nicht mehr. Und das rechtsstaatliche Prinzip der Gewaltenteilung muss ab sofort offenbar etwas anders unterrichtet werden. #zeitenwende halt.
#TROLLTIP: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
#trolltip #officialtrolltip #pain #inevitable #suffering #optional
@Martamara Risposta: "ma chi sei per dare consigli??DDCAscolta bene ,e,filtra,sempre! Ci sono luoghi dove essere educati,rispettare le regole,sapere usare ,e, dosare i silenzi e' quotidiano-Lingue da inciampo...se le trovi sul tuo cammino.non possiamo cercare di cambiare le regole (dove la legalità è un :#optional),tantomeno educ uare al rispetto chi non ha il minimo senso di discrezione-Il too Toot è SACCENTE :Il Rispetto ,l'educazione sono bagagli che .........👀 🤔
Dall'inizio di :#dicembre bottii si avvicinano le feste:#Sicurezza e,#Legalità(Marchio CE....#OPTIONAL-Poveri Quattro Zampe🙈 🙉 🙊 --Meno male che c'è la:#GDF🙏
#dicembre #sicurezza #legalita #optional #gdf
Costa Rica Might Be the Next Country to Establish Bitcoin as Regulated Currency
#EmergingMarkets #paymentcurrency #JohanaObando #investment #CostaRica #optional #Bitcoin #Crypto
#EmergingMarkets #paymentcurrency #JohanaObando #investment #costarica #optional #bitcoin #crypto
Ve lo ricordate?
Uno degli spot più divertenti degli ultimi anni.
#adoroilgenio #19ottobre #Commercial #rumore #rumorista #spot #video #citroenc3 #Citroen #guida #vogliomanonposso #Auto #spottv #optional #fulloptional
#fulloptional #optional #spottv #auto #vogliomanonposso #guida #citroen #citroenc3 #video #spot #rumorista #Rumore #commercial #19ottobre #adoroilgenio
Mastodon Search bar?
Eugen [1] will strongly not implement full text search for posts or near future (would be good if we could choose) so back to 'my' suggestion for your posts being searchable since it's priceless help to Mastodon!
(I'm glad it is making progress in some other way)
I would be looking for a search bar (I might have missed it before) and autocomplete from it
(though this might be done via CTRL-F if on one page)
Example site with search
I'd like to hear why not a basic self-hosted Wordpress (apart from aesthetics and the choice of pre-Gutenberg V5 or post-V5 versions --> of which I have pre-V5 in my example above)
AND IF there was a Mastodon to Wordpress (I don't think there is) then the reverse of this plugin below would also seems to make sense
Happy to hear what are the downsides to doing it the Wordpress to Mastodon way and also if there was a 2-way or Sync Thing between them
Also with Wordpress you get so many plugins, you start with search, RSS, sitemap etc)
[1a] https://qoto.org/@khird/108912262310974124
[1b] github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/594
#Mastodon #Search #Public #Optional #Wordpress #RSS
A search would be good in Mastodon like this example:
#optional #wordpress #rss #mastodon #search #public
Quando la UE decide qualcosa dovete obbedire (la scienza è un optional) - VP News - `vietato parlare` - Blog di Patrizio Ricci #decide #qualcosa #dovete #obbedire #scienza #optional #news #vietato #parlare #blog #patrizio #ricci #31maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmlldGF0b3BhcmxhcmUuaXQvcXVhbmRvLWxhLXVlLWRlY2lkZS1xdWFsY29zYS1kb3ZldGUtb2JiZWRpcmUtbGEtc2NpZW56YS1lLXVuLW9wdGlvbmFsLw==
#31maggio #ricci #patrizio #blog #Parlare #vietato #news #optional #scienza #obbedire #dovete #qualcosa #decide