Covid-Safe Optometrist and Optometry Practice in #SanFrancisco #California
Dr. Yunus Kurtbay
Dr. Kurtbay Optometry
750 Irving Street
San Francisco, CA 94122
Recommended as a #CovidSafe #CovidCautious #optometrist and provider of #optometry services. First appointment by request, wipes down every instrument before use, N95 masked. Wonโt even allow restroom access at the office for safety reasons. One patient at a time.
#covidprecautions #covidsafebusiness #optometry #optometrist #COVIDcautious #covidsafe #California #sanfrancisco
Covid-Safe #Optometrist in #Williamsburg, #Virginia
Dr. Matthew Gada
Eye 2 Eye Vision
1147 Professional Dr.
Williamsburg, VA 23185
โ All staff wear N95 masks
โ All patients required to wear masks. N95 provided to anyone without a mask
โ Hepa filters in each room
โ Larger rooms & doors left open during exam
โ Doctor has never gotten Covid thanks to precautions taken
#CovidSafeBusiness #CovidPrecautions #CovidSafe #CovidCautious
#COVIDcautious #covidsafe #covidprecautions #covidsafebusiness #Virginia #williamsburg #optometrist
I'm so mad at my #eye #doctor. The technician did the #vision exam and came up with the prescription for my new #eyeglasses, doc just signed it.
Doc only looked at the eyes for a few minutes after they were dilated. First time seeing him because of #insurance provider issues.
My script changed so much that I was concerned, and I mentioned it seemed way off. He shrugged me off.
They only do the exam.
I got my eyeglasses today and they are so off you can't see through them
#eye #doctor #vision #eyeglasses #insurance #optometrist
With all the lights from the media rigs, cameras, etc, of course there will be shadows and he will probably see it.
Also, how is his vision? When was it tested last? Does #PunxsutawneyPhil see a #rodent #Ophthalmologist or #optometrist on a regular basis?
Between the bright lights from the media rigs and uncertainty of his vision, I say it was a #RiggedGroundHogDay #GroundHogDay
#punxsutawneyphil #rodent #ophthalmologist #optometrist #riggedgroundhogday #groundhogday
I have clearly stated multiple times that there are certain companies in #SiliconValley that I will _NEVER_ have an account at nor will work for due to their #LackOfEthics when it comes to their #CriminalEnterprise of #BadToS & #CorporateEspionage as their focus due to #ForcedConsent and #ForcedImplants that are embedded in their #RightEye revealed easily with current technology at your #optometrist. ๐๐๐๐ง
#siliconvalley #lackofethics #criminalenterprise #badtos #corporateespionage #forcedconsent #forcedimplants #righteye #optometrist #hic #SiC #churchcommittee2 #infosec_jcp
Back from the #optometrist, with another medicated eye ointment to help with the allergy eyes. Also getting the lenses for my everyday graduated glasses remade (again) with a stronger reading script, and my reading glasses lenses will also be remade. Decided the leave the same reading script as before in my sunglasses, as Iโm unlikely to be reading a lot in those.
Iโm very lucky to have such a caring optometrist and lovely optical dispensers. Yes, my glasses were expensive, (I went for cheap frames, but got the best lenses I could afford) but the service has been outstanding.
#optometrist #eyes #allergy #allergyeyes #itchy #glasses
#optometry question for a book I'm writing. Hoping maybe an #optometrist can answer?
I have a myopic character who can see about 35cm in front of her. I'm trying to translate that to diopters and prescription glasses. She doesn't have night vision problems and doesn't have astigmatism. She is a candidate for Lasik.
Apparently in South Korea they memorize their prescription in diopters and I've set the story in South Korea. My math disability makes it hard to get hard numbers.
Whatโs that thing where I look at something through the middle or bottom of my glasses and itโs fine but when I look at it through the top of my glasses the color goes all wonky? Like a green sort of fades to an orange/yellow? Any #Optometrist s around?
Shakespeare's glasses never really corrected his #farce sightedness. No doubt his #optometrist lived on #bard time...
#farce #optometrist #bard #wordplay
RT @markabelan
NEW PIECE: The Evolution of Eyes and Vision ๐งฟโฉ ๐๏ธ
#eye #infographic #sciart #scientificart #art #illustration #evolution #biology #science #eyeball #anatomy #evodevo #evo #optometry #optometrist #ophthalmology #scicomm #vizscicomm #infographics #scigraphics
#scigraphics #infographics #vizscicomm #scicomm #ophthalmology #optometrist #optometry #evo #evodevo #anatomy #eyeball #science #biology #evolution #illustration #art #scientificart #sciart #infographic #eye