Et pendant ce temps, Little Big Mama continue sa floraison estivale pour le plus grand plaisir des abeilles charbonnières 🌵🐝 #Opuntia #CactusRaquettes
Invasive species of #Opuntia are a big problem in #Kenya,
especially in the dry north, threatening grazing land and livelihoods of #pastoralists.
Most people who are confronted with them do not know that the whole Opuntia plant is edible/useful.
Meet Pera Foods, who know how to make #wine from the cactus' fruit.
They employ locals to forage fruit from wild Opuntia,
creating jobs and income from the presence of the unwelcome invader.
#botany #plantScience @plants
#plantscience #botany #wine #pastoralists #kenya #opuntia
#Drought reaching 10 on a scale of 0-10 in all of #Denmark.
#Opuntia #Cacti now the happiest plants on balcony in #Norrebro
Not that it is an absolute huge problem for us ... we are privileged. We open the tap and fetch water.
We are not in northern #Kenya ...
#kenya #norrebro #cacti #opuntia #denmark #drought
I don't grow opuntias in my yard because they're so treacherous but they are also stunning!
#LosAngeles #LA #StreetSucculents #Cactus #Opuntia #Bloomscrolling #Flowers #FloweringPlants
#losangeles #la #streetsucculents #cactus #opuntia #bloomscrolling #flowers #floweringplants
#PurplePricklyPear #Cactus up-potted! Here's the pair I'm keeping 💚💜
#purplepricklypear #cactus #opuntia #opuntiabasilaris #cactiofmastodon
How cute are these #PurplePricklyPear #Cacti ?!
#purplepricklypear #cacti #cactusmail #etsy #cactus #opuntia
I finished #Uppotting my upstairs #cacti and putting them outside for a few months of #Minnesota sun.
You can see which ones need a better lighting system next winter.
#AdviceWanted on helping that sad little #DesertRose without leaves #PlantCare #Help
#uppotting #cacti #minnesota #advicewanted #desertrose #plantcare #help #trichocereus #echinopsis #opuntia #succulents #cactus
#Today I put a bunch of #cacti outside in the sun, after watering and fertilizing 'em yesterday!
#cactus #CactiOfMastodon #photography
#trichocereus #echinopsis #opuntia
bonus #moonflower #seedlings
#today #cacti #cactus #cactiofmastodon #photography #trichocereus #echinopsis #opuntia #moonflower #seedlings
My Opuntia humifusa plants are blooming! Gives me such joy. The neat thing about these cacti is that they are native to eastern north america! They can survive brutal wet winters as far north as Ontario, and perk up as soon as it gets above freezing. The flowers do not self pollinate, so I walk around with a small paintbrush collecting pollen from one and brushing it on another.
🌵 🏵️
#botany #cacti #cactus #opuntia #opuntiahumifusa #cactaceae
I took a picture of Opuntia, commonly called prickly pear or pear cactus, on the island of Elba. This flowering plant belongs to the genus Opuntia in the cactus family Cactaceae. The genus is named after the Ancient Greek city of Opus, where an edible plant grew and could be propagated by rooting its leaves.
#Opuntia #pricklypear #pearcactus #Elba #Cactaceae #photography #AYearForArt #colors #contrast
#opuntia #pricklypear #pearcactus #elba #cactaceae #photography #ayearforart #colors #contrast
Really spiny columnar opuntia cactus in an alley in LA.
#cactus #opuntia #streetsucculents #losangeles #la
My first attempt of #opuntia (cactus fig) seems to turn out results. 2 seedlings out of 10 seeds (sown 15 Feb) is not great, but it is early days.
The tender plants are still under LEDs in the utility room. The surrounding aluminium foil reflects the light for the plants.
Chillies, aubergines (eggplants) and bell peppers (capsicum) sown 15 Feb look fine.
Unsurprisingly, globe artichoke seeds best before 1 2013 did not produce anything - so far. 🙂
#opuntia #lunchbreakgardening #propagation
Prickly Pears for sale in Naarm (Melbourne, Australia) and apparently selling well given how few are left ~
#PricklyPear #Opuntia #Naarm #Melbourne #LateSummer #February #SouthernHemisphere
#pricklypear #opuntia #naarm #melbourne #latesummer #february #southernhemisphere
¿Sabías qué? En España dentro de nuestra flora hay un es una Opuntia ficus-indica. Sin embargo, también es conocido como "figueira da India" o "figueira do Marrocos". Se encuentra en canarias,el cactus canario es una especie de cactus que es nativo de las islas Canarias, que se encuentran en el océano Atlántico. Es una planta xerófita que se adapta muy bien a los climas secos y cálidos. Este cactus puede crecer hasta 1 metro de altura y tiene una forma redonda y una textura gruesa y peluda. Las flores del cactus canario son de color rosa, amarillo o naranja y florecen en primavera. Es una planta popular en la cultura canaria y se utiliza comúnmente como planta de interior o de exterior en jardines y terrazas. Si quieres saber más pásate por @desertcityoficial y descubre este cactus nativo de España
#cactus #cactuslover
#photooftheday #flowers #plantas #plantslover #suculentas #botanica #suculentaslove #asociacionacua #cactusespaña #cactusmadrid #acualover #acualovers #opuntia
#cactus #cactuslover #photooftheday #flowers #plantas #plantslover #suculentas #botanica #suculentaslove #asociacionacua #cactusespana #cactusmadrid #acualover #acualovers #opuntia
#Opuntia , an invasive and unwelcome #plant in many places,
e.g. in (northern) #Kenya, where it threatens the livelihoods of #pastoralists
may also be a source of food for both animals and humans (e.g. known as #nopales) - an article from #southafrica 2019
#plantscience #botany #cactus #cacti #southafrica #Nopales #pastoralists #kenya #plant #opuntia
Good morning, it’s #cold in the #Taunus mountains! I hope my #cacti in the unheated #greenhouse can take the -5 degrees that are in there at the moment. They have been dry since October and are all used to low degrees (#Echinocereus, #Sulcorebutia, #Escobaria, #Opuntia and the likes…) so should be fine.
#cold #taunus #cacti #greenhouse #echinocereus #sulcorebutia #escobaria #opuntia
More on the #Opuntia (stricta) invasion in #Kenya, rendering grazing lands useless for #pastoralists and their cattle, while the #plant itself, though edible and a source of biofuel, is not utilized.
@plants #plantscience #botany #cacti #invasiveSpecies
This image from
#invasivespecies #cacti #botany #plantscience #plant #pastoralists #kenya #opuntia
NEW DESIGN: Vintage Solanum campanulatum Print from The floral cabinet and magazine of exotic botany (1837) Products
#vintage #botanicalprint #opuntia #flowers #cactus #succulents #plants #illustration #gardening #garden #nature #forsale #products #gifts #coasters #cards #clothing #crafts #technology #iphone #cases #bags #totes #prints #home #housewares #tops #notebooks #pillows #clocks #mugs #throwblankets #dufflebags
#vintage #botanicalprint #opuntia #flowers #cactus #succulents #plants #illustration #gardening #garden #nature #forsale #products #gifts #coasters #cards #clothing #crafts #technology #iphone #cases #bags #totes #prints #home #housewares #tops #notebooks #pillows #clocks #mugs #throwblankets #dufflebags