"Washington D.C. Attorney General Brian Schwalb is investigating judicial activist Leonard Leo and his network of nonprofit groups, according to a person with direct knowledge of the probe. …
Best known as Donald Trump’s White House 'court whisperer,' Leo played a behind-the-scenes role in the nominations of all three of the former president’s Supreme Court justices…."
~ Heidi Przybyla
#leonardleo #federalistsociety #supremecourt #opusdei
If these folks cannot prevail as a minority in a democracy that respects majority rule, they have no compunction at all about trying to overturn the democratic structures that grant power to the majority, and imposing their minority rule.
God is on their side, after all, and that justifies everything. And, conveniently. god turns out to be a version of themselves write large — white, male, and heterosexual.
#Eastman #insurrection #FederalistSociety #OpusDei #SupremeCourt #democracy
#eastman #insurrection #federalistsociety #opusdei #supremecourt #democracy
In short, Eastman's hostility to US democracy and to its endorsement of the rights of minority communities including the LGBTQ community, doesn't arise out of nowhere: it has a specific right-wing Catholic origin, an ideological center also shared by the group of Supremes who now control the Supreme Court.
But good luck getting the mainstream media to report on all of this.
#Eastman #insurrection #FederalistSociety #LeonardLeo #OpusDei #SupremeCourt #democracy
#eastman #insurrection #federalistsociety #leonardleo #opusdei #supremecourt #democracy
Eastman previously chaired the National Organization for Marriage, an anti-gay outfit determined to roll back rights for LGBTQ Americans (and LGBTQ people elsewhere in the world). NOM, previously led by Maggie Gallagher, also Catholic, and connected to another leading anti-LGBTQ Catholic activist Robert P. George, has long had close ties to the US Catholic bishops.
#Eastman #insurrection #FederalistSociety #LeonardLeo #OpusDei #SupremeCourt #democracy #NationalOrganizationforMarriage
#eastman #insurrection #federalistsociety #leonardleo #opusdei #supremecourt #democracy #nationalorganizationformarriage
Both Eastman and Leo are, it's reported, members of the powerful, wealthy, secretive, right-wing Catholic cult Opus Dei, which has long been inimical to democracy and has strong theocratic aspirations.
A number of the Supremes who constitute the right-wing Catholic cabal now controlling the court have Opus Dei ties. (The one non-Catholic member of the cabal, Gorsuch, was raised Catholic.)
#Trump #Eastman #insurrection #FederalistSociety #LeonardLeo #OpusDei #SupremeCourt #democracy
#trump #eastman #insurrection #federalistsociety #leonardleo #opusdei #supremecourt #democracy
Greg Olear gathers his postings about Supreme Court kingmaker Leonard Leo, a "radical Catholic" who belongs to the exclusive (and very right-wing) Catholic club Knights of Malta, and the secretive, powerful, wealthy, theocratic Catholic cult Opus Dei.
The term "radical Catholic" is Olear's. Olear was raised Catholic.
This gathering of pieces Olear has written about Leo is very informative.
#leonardleo #supremecourt #catholic #opusdei
The arrogance, disrespect, and sheer power he invokes in his ignorance of the #constitution #democracy #SamuelAlito tells Congress to stay out of Supreme Court ethics controversy sounds like #Trump https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/28/politics/samuel-alito-congress-ethics-rules-wall-street-journal #SCOTUS #reform now #ethicsreform #congress #federalistSociety #OpusDei #boughtandpaid for #SCOTUS
#constitution #Democracy #samuelalito #trump #SCOTUS #reform #ethicsreform #congress #federalistsociety #opusdei #boughtandpaid
A must-read article today by Greg Olear about how the seemingly disconnected and illogical decisions just handed down by the Supreme Court dominated by a hand-picked group of right-wing Catholics mostly picked by Leonard Leo all connect both in their cruelty and because they're meant to be wins for Leo.
Olear does a deep dive into the radical Catholicism that's driving Leo's attack on democracy — and its ties to Opus Dei.
#SupremeCourt #LeonardLeo #OpusDei
#supremecourt #leonardleo #opusdei
https://thedemlabs.org/2023/06/21/supreme-court-fishy-business-follow-the-money-samuel-alito-paul-singer/ Supreme Court Fishy Business #lenardleo #opusdei
Everywhere you turn in Leonard Leo's story, there's his connection to Opus Dei. That binds him to one powerful political and religious person after another. Opus Dei is a wealthy, powerful, secretive Catholic cult with theocratic aspirations.
The media do next to nothiing to point out Leo's Opus Dei background and that of multiple Supreme Court justices whoim he has either put on the court or to whom he's very close.
#leonardleo #supremecourt #opusdei
@berkeleylaw y but there is no process, procedure, mandate in place to force change to end #corruption #unethical #conduct #PaytoPlay #harlancrow #OpusDei #FederalisSociety control of #SCOTUS
#Corruption #unethical #conduct #paytoplay #harlancrow #opusdei #federalissociety #SCOTUS
A very important piece by Ruth Ben-Ghiat. As an American Catholic dedicated to democracy, Ruth hits it out of the park!
@ruthbenghiat #opusdei, #Catholic #democracy #catholicright #progressivecatholics
#opusdei #catholic #democracy #catholicright #progressivecatholics
📌503 millones para colegios que segregan por sexo https://carabanchel.net/503-millones-para-colegios-que-segregan-por-sexo/
#Carabanchel #Madrid #segregaciónporsexo #colegios #escuelas #opusdei #AyusoAbuso #AyusoVeteYa #AyusAPrisión
#carabanchel #madrid #segregacionporsexo #colegios #escuelas #opusdei #ayusoabuso #ayusoveteya #ayusaprision
Alito's all about unborn babies, even as he murders Rachel Carson day after day after day. The guy is a disordered monster and he's got a lifetime post to our Supreme Court. We have to stop him before he kills us all.
#notmySCOTUS #opusdei #falsepiety #HEISWRONG #SilentSpring -- lookitup
#silentspring #heiswrong #falsepiety #opusdei #notmyscotus
Our current Supreme Court feels like a place where Opus Dei fanatics can go to hang with their Taliban counterparts to divvy up the world and agree on the most strenuous interpretation of commandments men should hold women to. You know a kind of solidarity of the black robes?
#OpusDei #Taliban #RobertsCourt #notmySCOTUS
#notmyscotus #robertscourt #taliban #opusdei
Alito and his loyal clerks, err the Mullahs, conferring on what's wrong with the world
#Opusduh #OpusDei #liddleSammie
#liddlesammie #opusdei #opusduh
@WecanbeGyros Definitely cultlike in very many ways — and I think that has much to do with the fact that Leo belongs to a secretive, wealthy, anti-democratic, theocratic Catholic cult called Opus Dei, to which several Supremes he has placed on the court also have thick ties (as does Bill Barr). Our media spectacularly fail us in refusing to talk about the significant Opus Dei component of this story.
#EwaEgejska #Romanowski jest tzw. numerariuszem #OpusDei, członkowie tej organizacji żyją w celibacie i codziennie stosują drastyczne formy bolesnych umartwień cielesnych
#Napoleon w fundacji celowej Wieprze #Orwell.a:
- Ale ubiera się jak u #Dior.a?
#ewaegejska #romanowski #opusdei #napoleon #orwell #dior
#MeineAngstWächst Habe die Doku " #Evangelikale – Mit Gott an die Macht" (1 - 3) auf #arte gesehen. Ich kann nicht ausdrücken, wie groß meine Besorgnis ist.
Vor ein paar Monaten hatte ich eine Doku über #OpusDei gesehen und mich dazu auch durch Texte von "EL PAÍS" gequält (mein Schulspanisch :-D ) Auch so ein Griff nach Macht, z.B. der in #EUPolitik und -Administration.
Zusammen mit wachsenden Umweltproblemen diverser Art und der seit weiter öffnenden sozialen Schere ...
#meineangstwachst #Evangelikale #arte #opusdei #eupolitik
@rubbercable A f**ked-up system lets extremists abuse (compromised) courts to undermine the constitutional order.
"The problem here goes beyond a single hearing, or even this single case. The real issue is systemic. Far-right groups have created a judicial pipeline to predictable triumph in one culture war battle after another: from Kacsmaryk in the plains of the Texas panhandle, to the hyperconservative U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, to the radically stacked majority on the Trump-packed U.S. Supreme Court.
One Amarillo-based judge with carte blanche, virtually certain his extreme views will prevail on appeal, is apparently planning to curtail abortion access across the country."
#RuleOfLaw #DefendTheConstitution #Democracy #AbortionRights #WomensRights #HumanRights #CompromisedCourts #FederalistSociety #OpusDei #Extremism #ReformTheCourts #RestoreSeparationOfPowers #SeparationOfChurchAndState
#ruleoflaw #defendtheconstitution #democracy #abortionrights #womensrights #humanrights #compromisedcourts #federalistsociety #opusdei #extremism #reformthecourts #restoreseparationofpowers #separationofchurchandstate