und hier arbeite ich gerade dran, ich wollte die Lücken schließen überlege aber neu anzufangen. Eine neue Idee muss her. Die aktuelle Umsetzung vor Augen vehindert, daß sich neue Ideen bilden. Also weg damit. 😀 🍵
#OpusMagnum #unsichtbareTinte
Wer das Spiel kennt, wird wohl eventuell wissen, das manche Parts immer wieder angepackt und optimiert werden, bis der Eindruck entsteht es geht nicht besser. Das Gefühl habe ich bei dem hier. Fertig.Oh, ich meine schön, nicht spieloptimiert die meisten Punkte, die spielen für mich keine Rolle. 😂 🍵
#OpusMagnum #Luftschifftreibstoff
#opusmagnum #luftschifftreibstoff
Next, I played #WordFactori, which originally saw the light of day as an entry for the #GMTKJam 2021 and is now fleshed out into a full game. If you like managing and optimizing supply chains in games like #shapez, #OpusMagnum or #Factorio, you’ll probably have your fair share of fun with this. That being said, the main gimmick (you’re crafting letters of the alphabet) doesn’t shake things up enough for me to warrant a recommendation over any of the aforementioned titles.
#wordfactori #gmtkjam #shapez #opusmagnum #factorio
I feel like in general there's two kinds of #puzzlegames.
The first kind involves the designer coming up with some super clever puzzle and you're supposed to figure out the solution the designer intended. This... I find extremely unsatisfying as a player because it doesn't really feel like I have much agency in the game.
The second kind involves the designer setting some broad parameters and you can come up with your own solution within the constraints. This too can be unsatisfying because the solutions can feel trivial.
But when the second kind is done right, there's also this meta layer of not just finding *a* solution, but finding *better* solutions. You get the first dopamine hit for clearing a puzzle... but then you see where you can improve it, and you get a BIGGER dopamine hit for doing the puzzle better.
And holy heck #OpusMagnum is good at this. Being able to independently optimize your solutions for part cost, area, and command efficiency and then get satisfying AF gifs out of it is just brilliant, and it makes me feel like I should have a wheelbarrow to carry around my gigantic brain when I look at the solutions in motion.
Gifs marked sensititive due to spoilers.
I did a not terribly bright thing and started playing a particularly clever game at 1:30AM. #OpusMagnum is DANGEROUS and I can feel it hooking itself into the pleasure centers of my brain. I have no idea how I managed to put this down after only an hour and a half into the morning, but this can easily turn into a timesink...
Caution: puzzle game spoilers.
The best puzzle games on PC in 2023 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-best-puzzle-games #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol #ReturntoMonkeyIsland #Stephen'sSausageRoll #ReturnoftheObraDinn #JigsawPuzzleDreams #TheTalosPrinciple #TheRoom4:OldSins #Patrick'sParabox #HowToSayGoodbye #MiniMotorways #TheWhiteDoor #BestestBests #Dorfromantik #Blockbuster #CtrlAltEgo #OuterWilds #WorldofGoo #TheWitness #OpusMagnum #BabaIsYou #Knotwords #TheLooker #Unpacking #Unavowed #Gorogoa #Puzzle #Portal #Inside #Indie
#indie #inside #portal #puzzle #Gorogoa #Unavowed #Unpacking #TheLooker #Knotwords #babaisyou #opusmagnum #TheWitness #WorldofGoo #OuterWilds #ctrlaltego #blockbuster #Dorfromantik #bestestbests #thewhitedoor #MiniMotorways #HowToSayGoodbye #patrick #TheRoom4 #thetalosprinciple #JigsawPuzzleDreams #ReturnoftheObraDinn #stephen #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #TheCaseOfTheGoldenIdol
Das Spiel ist schon arg nice, wenn sich dann alles zusammenfügt... #zachtronics #opusmagnum
@boblyle Funnily enough I was doing this exact level when I decided to search for the #OpusMagnum tag... Here's my take on this.
local is full of it so #7GamesToKnowMe
#MarioParty3 (the second best is 9, fight me)
...and then #Digitle i guess?
#7gamestoknowme #halo3odst #marioparty3 #papermario #opusmagnum #modnationracers #thesimpsonshitandrun #digitle
The games I've enjoyed the most this year:
#ArkhamAsylum #portal #slaythespire #shapez #infinifactory #opusmagnum
#Koalitionsvertrag- Das plant die Ampel in der Netzpolitik https://netzpolitik.org/2021/koalitionsvertrag-das-plant-die-ampel-in-der-netzpolitik/
"Wir [Jana Ballweber, Anna Biselli, Ingo Dachwitz, Alexander Fanta, Chris Köver, Sebastian Meineck, Franziska Rau, Markus Reuter, Tomas Rudl] haben die 177 Seiten der Ampelparteien durchforstet und fassen für euch die wichtigsten Punkte zusammen."
#koalitionsvertrag #opusmagnum
The best feature in all of puzzle games: Automatic recording of your solution in #OpusMagnum as GIFS
(GIF contains solution for Level "Water Purifier")
Opus Magnum is a great game in that there is no right way to solve a puzzle.
First image: my naive solution. Then, a slight optimization: less cycles needed to produce 6 products. Then I went overboard with optimizing for cycles and realized in the end that it doesn't have to cost that much to do it in 27 cycles.
#oddlysatisfying #opusmagnum
サイクル数だいぶ無駄食ってるけど六腕アームが活躍してて良い #opusmagnum
レール・ピストンアーム無し なるべくテンポよく動くことを重視して組んだ #opusmagnum