Heidi Betts · @HeidiBetts
93 followers · 896 posts · Server romancelandia.club

If anyone is interested, I've started doing /#tarot card draws on my page: facebook.com/groups/h2hspiritr

Here's the first one...

This week's card: GAIA
Deck used: The Awakened Soul Oracle Deck

Gaia is the Greek goddess of Earth, mother of all life. You are being called upon to connect with nature, peace, and healing, and to use Gaia as a gateway to the wisdom of Mother Earth.🧘‍♀🌏💙

#loveyourmotherearth #greekgoddessofearth #gaia #oraclecardreading #wineanddivinewednesday #heart2heart #oracle

Last updated 1 year ago

TheNettieP · @TheNettieP
9 followers · 32 posts · Server mastodon.social
Crystal Wind · @CrystalWind
2 followers · 149 posts · Server mstdn.social