Ever read ancient oracle texts? Fun read.
The Sibylline Oracles Index
#language #religion #oracles #ancientgreece #histodons
About out-of-bodies experience, well…
Punchcard Memories
"You used to be human, not so long ago. Now a transubstantiated mind, slotted into a mechanical body and dumped in the blasted remnants of your memory palace."
CW: loss of control/being trapped, loss of identity
Find this Carta solo game in the Scifi bundle: https://itch.io/b/1790/sci-fi-is-the-best
& the author (same as the Wallet Space Derelicts card!) on https://rossum.itch.io
#scifibundle #ttrpg #soloclub #singleplayer #meditative #cards #oracles
Decentralized exchange GMX votes to use Chainlink low-latency oracles - A Chainlink exec said the oracles will improve GMX’s security by ... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/decentralized-exchange-gmx-votes-to-use-chainlink-low-latency-oracles #low-latencyoracles #governancevote #datafeeds #avalanche #johanneid #synthetix #arbitrum #oracles #layer2 #gmx
#gmx #layer2 #oracles #arbitrum #synthetix #johanneid #avalanche #datafeeds #governancevote #low
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/oracles-will-eventually-be-the-bridge-between-all-virtual-worlds
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/oracles-will-eventually-be-the-bridge-between-all-virtual-worlds
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon: http://nitter.platypush.tech/hackernoon/status/1650728857287421952#m
Find out how #oracles will create the foundation for interoperability and portability in the #metaverse in this panel from @OracleSummit!
- https://hackernoon.com/oracles-will-eventually-be-the-bridge-between-all-virtual-worlds #oraclesummit #web3
#oracles #metaverse #oraclesummit #web3
It seems to me that #web3 types should be the strongest supporters and adopters of the #SemanticWeb (#LinkedData), because machine-readable facts reduce the need for (human) #oracles when settling #SmartContracts.
(And for some reason I suspect #crypto people may be the least interested in that kind of thorough web hygiene.)
#linkeddata #web3 #semanticweb #oracles #smartcontracts #crypto
On the I Ching as a Writing Guide by Heinz Insu Fenkl, February 16, 2023
https://lithub.com/on-the-i-ching-as-a-writing-guide/ #Oracles
Since someone asked on the #solorpg on reddit, I will share it here too. This is my Solo RPG #sketchbook with the oracles taped to the front inside.
#oracles #tables #sketchbooksolorpg #sketchbook #solorpg
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/sasa-milic-offers-hot-takes-on-chainlink-uma-tellor-nest-and-band-protocol
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/sasa-milic-offers-hot-takes-on-chainlink-uma-tellor-nest-and-band-protocol
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1598776529365962764#m
Saša shared “a smattering of hot takes” about some of the more widely used oracle networks in the space today– including Chainlink, UMA, Tellor, Nest and BAND - https://hackernoon.com/sasa-milic-offers-hot-takes-on-chainlink-uma-tellor-nest-and-band-protocol #decentralization #oracles
RT @XTZNews@twitter.com
Taurus Becomes Acurast Data Transmitter https://xtz.news/adoption/taurus-becomes-acurast-data-transmitter/ #Tezos #oracles #PriceFeeds #Data #blockchaintechnology
#tezos #oracles #pricefeeds #data #blockchaintechnology
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/the-next-frontier-is-here-oracles-with-human-insight-t41237ql
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/the-next-frontier-is-here-oracles-with-human-insight-t41237ql
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1563785964434096129#m
"The next frontier is here: Oracles with human insight" by @marseladawi https://hackernoon.com/the-next-frontier-is-here-oracles-with-human-insight-t41237ql #blockchainoracles #oracles
I honestly haven't played the Oracle games, but I did notice that her design is super close to OoT's Adult design.
She was just added to the store.
#LegendOfZelda #Zelda #PrincessZelda #LoZ #OcarinaOfTime #Oracles #OraclesOfSeasons #OraclesOfAges
#OraclesOfAges #OraclesOfSeasons #oracles #ocarinaoftime #loz #princesszelda #zelda #legendofzelda
We can't say we care much about #Trump but just in case you didn't know, #Twitter actually banned him permanently, based on #crimes they see in the future.
#MinorityReport #oracles and all.
#trump #twitter #crimes #minorityreport #oracles
Preview of Chione.
Daughter of the Nile.
Bloodline from the goddess Hathor.
Getting ready for #halloween.
Going to be working on some #witchy characters for #inktober.
Looking for recommendations for different types of #witches, #oracles, #seers, #empaths, etc. From all over the world.
#witch #anime #manga #sketch #watercolor #cresentmoon #moon #paranormal #supernatural #magic #magik #magick
#magick #magik #magic #supernatural #paranormal #moon #cresentmoon #watercolor #sketch #manga #anime #witch #empaths #seers #oracles #witches #inktober #witchy #halloween