Join the New England Archivists
and author Deborah Gurt for a reading group discussion of Gurt’s article “Community Oral History to widen the path: The Jewish Mobile Oral History Project” – September 8, at noon. Register:
#mazeldon #oralhistory #archives #jlib
#Mazeldon #oralhistory #archives #jlib
TheOnion: ‘The Glowing Ball State’, ‘Big Brighty’, ‘Ol’ Ouchy’: An Oral History Of The Sun #oralhistory #lausanne #sports #ouchy
#oralhistory #lausanne #sports #ouchy
A trip down memory lane:
Annika Stendebach explores Northern Ireland's capital Belfast in the footsteps of people who grew up in Ireland in the 1960s and 1970s. Walking interview with Kevin McGlinchey, who experienced the Troubles as a teenager, featured on the ➡ German Historical Institute London Blog.
#hypoverse #YouthHistory #HistYouth #NorthernIrelandConflict #Belfast #TheTroubles #OralHistory #ContemporaryHistory
#hypoverse #youthhistory #histyouth #northernirelandconflict #belfast #thetroubles #oralhistory #contemporaryhistory
Oral Stories Of Australia's First Nations Might Be 10,000 Years Old - Evidence Found - Ancient Pages
#history #oralhistory #australia #culture
In the mid-1990s I carried out a series of interviews with #homeless Irishmen living in Arlington House hostel in #London's Camden Town. Now the transcripts of those interviews are being brought back to life by the Irish in Britain project.
#oralhistory #history #ireland #irish #homelessness #peopleshistory
#homeless #london #oralhistory #history #ireland #irish #homelessness #peopleshistory
Over the past year, we’ve been working with residents and neighbours of Summervale and Crossbank towers in Oldham, to capture their stories of what it was like to live and work in and around the towers. The result of that work is finally public, and you can explore it by going to!
#LocalHistory #Oldham #OralHistory #CommunityHistory #WebDesign
#LocalHistory #oldham #oralhistory #communityHistory #webdesign
Something wholesome from the #archive, very heartwarming thing said to the interviewer at the end of an #OralHistory interview (May 1979): "You have listened to me ramble off and you have asked me some good questions and I appreciate people like you very much. You're not just sitting back and letting the world go by."
Working with #oralhistory is a delicate and meticulous effort, especially for someone like me who has recently "joined" this field. However, it is also an enriching experience as it brings you face-to-face with individuals willing to open the intimate drawers of their #memories to you. Even if the task of transcribing these accounts might seem interminable at times, approaching the end of the journey becomes deeply rewarding.
Sind Interviews mit Zeitzeug:innen tatsächlich Bürger:innenforschung?
Was ist #OralHistory, was nicht - und inwiefern unterscheidet sich #CitizenScience davon?
Diesen Frage geht @Kristin_oswald im Blog ➡ Bürger - Künste - Wissenschaft nach und schlägt vor, wie Oral History in Citizen Science-Projekte integriert werden kann 👇
#oralhistory #citizenscience #burgerkunstewissenschaft
Unter den Materialien finden sich #Interviews mit #Zeugen nationalsozialistischer Verbrechen und #Verfolgter (z. B. #Zeugen #Jehovas, #Sinti und #Roma, ...). Enthalten sind auch Interviewsammlungen zu anderen Genoziden (z. B. In #Armenien oder #Ruanda). #OralHistory
@histodons @historikerinnen #histodons
#interviews #zeugen #verfolgter #Jehovas #sinti #roma #armenien #ruanda #oralhistory #histodons
Premiere am 6. Juli in #Dresden: "Dinnor on the Bood", das #MigOst-Theaterstück mit der Bürgerbühne / Staatsschauspiel Dresden - eine satirische Kreuzfahrt quer durch die ostdeutsche Migrationsgeschichte! 2. Aufführung: 7.7.
Weitere Infos zu #MigOst / #CitizenScienceProjekt
#dresden #migost #citizenscienceprojekt #migration #ostdeutschland #vertragsarbeiter #ddr #citizenscience #partizipativeforschung #oralhistory #wirsindmehr
New today: the third and final installment of our series "#Baltimore LGBTQIA+ Histories and the Peabody Ballroom #OralHistory Interviews." We've learned a lot from this series, let's join together in amplifying LGBTQIA+ stories all year and every year!
Image source:
New today: the third and final installment of our series "Baltimore LGBTQIA+ Histories and the Peabody Ballroom #OralHistory Interviews." We've learned a lot from this series, let's join together in amplifying LGBTQIA+ stories all year and every year!
Image source:
My latest for @BaltimoreHistories: the final installment of the series "#Baltimore LGBTQIA+ Histories and the Peabody Ballroom #OralHistory Interviews." I write, "History is important, inclusion is important, and these are inexplicably intertwined in ballroom."
Image source:
My latest for @BaltimoreHist: the final installment of the series "#Baltimore LGBTQIA+ Histories and the Peabody Ballroom #OralHistory Interviews." I write, "History is important, inclusion is important, and these are inexplicably intertwined in ballroom."
Image source:
You might be interested in the Coney Island Project archives.
#coneyisland #Brooklyn #oralhistory
We're delighted to welcome Elspeth Brown (Critical Digital Humanities Initiative, University of Toronto) in our next #DigitalHistoryOFK, where she'll talk about the Pussy Palace #OralHistory project, #QueerHistory, and competing understandings of what #DigitalHistory as a field is.
Title: Queering Digital History: The Pussy Palace Oral History Project
🔜 Wednesday, 28 June, 4-6 pm (CEST) - via Zoom, open for all
ℹ️ Abstract & Access:
#digitalhistoryofk #oralhistory #queerhistory #digitalhistory #digigw #DigitalHumanities
📢 Historiker*innen und Geisteswissenschaftler*innen aufgepasst!
Für unser #Zeitzeugen|Projekt suchen wir eine*n wissenschaftliche*n Mitarbeiter*in mit Expertise in #OralHistory.
👉 U.a. erwarten dich TVöD (Bund) E 13, bis 39 h/Woche und ein offenes Team. Bis zum 13.07. könnt ihr euch bei uns bewerben. Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Alle Infos gibt’s hier: | #Jobs #Stellenausschreibung
#zeitzeugen #oralhistory #jobs #Stellenausschreibung
3) A light oral history of the sweet spot between cell phone ubiquity and home internet circa 2002, when being off work meant your time was (somewhat) your own
"Could things really have been so different just a few short decades ago? Was the last era before smartphones the last time anyone had any fun? Can a modern young person ever understand what it was like to simply watch whatever happened to be on television?"
#oralhistory #retro #doubleaughts #earlyinternet
Do you know cursive? If so, the
National Archives needs YOU to help transcribe pension records from the #AmericanRevolution! These are transcripts of oral histories given by the #veterans themselves (or their surviving family members) and offer absolutely fascinating insights into the realities of the time.
#SocialHistory #OralHistory
#americanrevolution #veterans #ushistory #americanhistory #histodons #historicalsources #vastearlyamerica #historyremix #18thc #archives #socialhistory #oralhistory