Calling #primary school practitioners! Join us for an online #workshop on the role of #drama in #language #education on 12 December 2022 between 15:30-17:30! ðŸŽðŸ¤“ Great opportunity to meet other #practitioners & #researchers working in the field of #EAL, and to share ideas about using drama as a tool for developing #OralLanguage skills! Register through this link: Email faidra.faitaki[at] for more info.
#Primary #workshop #drama #language #education #practitioners #researchers #EAL #orallanguage
Calling #primary school practitioners! Join us for an online #workshop on the role of #drama in #language #education on 12 December 2022 between 15:30-17:30! ðŸŽðŸ¤“ Great opportunity to meet other #practitioners & #researchers working in the field of #EAL, and to share ideas about using drama as a tool for developing #OralLanguage skills! Register through this link: Email faidra.faitaki[at] for more info.
#Primary #workshop #drama #language #education #practitioners #researchers #EAL #orallanguage
Calling #primary school practitioners! Join us for an online #workshop on the role of #drama in #language #education on 12 December 2022 between 15:30-17:30! ðŸŽðŸ¤“ Great opportunity to meet other #practitioners & #researchers working in the field of #EAL, and to share ideas about using drama as a tool for developing #OralLanguage skills! Register through this link: For more info, email faidra.faitaki[at]
#Primary #workshop #drama #language #education #practitioners #researchers #EAL #orallanguage
Calling primary-school practitioners! Join us for an online #workshop on the role of #drama in #language #education on 12 December 2022 between 15:30-17:30! ðŸŽðŸ¤“ Great opportunity to meet other #practitioners & #researchers working in the field of #EAL and to share ideas about using drama as a tool for developing #OralLanguage skills! Register your interest through this link: For more info, email faidra.faitaki[at]
#workshop #drama #language #education #practitioners #researchers #EAL #orallanguage