thank gnome it's friday…
The Gnomes of Wrocław : “The thesis is the anti-regime slogan. The anti-thesis is the spot and the synthesis is the gnome.” - Major Fydrych #krasnale #OrangeAlternative
thank gnome it's friday…
The Gnomes of Wrocław : “The thesis is the anti-regime slogan. The anti-thesis is the spot and the synthesis is the gnome.” - Major Fydrych #krasnale #OrangeAlternative
The #OrangeAlternative (Polish: Pomarańczowa Alternatywa) was a Polish far-left anti-communist underground movement, started in #Wrocław. Its main purpose was to offer a wider group of citizens an alternative way of #opposition against the #authoritarian #regime by means of a peaceful protest that used absurd and nonsensical elements.
#orangealternative #wroclaw #opposition #authoritarian #regime #kointernational